Caruso Lombardi met the owner of Enargas after receiving a $ 20,000 bill


Ricardo Caruso Lombardi Source: LA NACION – Credit: Aníbal Greco

The rise of services makes no distinction and complains this time, after

receive a gasoline bill

of 20,000 pesos, was the football coach

Ricardo Caruso Lombardi

, who requested an audition with the owner of the regulator to express his dissatisfaction.

The meeting took place, as recorded on the web of the official hearings, on December 10 at 11 am in the building at Suipacha 636, 10th floor.

The technical historian was Mauricio Ezequiel Roitman, owner of the football admirer of the National Gas Regulator (Enargas) and fan of River Plate. In addition, the meeting was also composed of the organization's vice-president, Daniel Alberto Perrone, and Néstor Daniel Touzet, responsible for the regulation of commercial management.

"Mr. Caruso Lombardi was received by the authorities of the entity.The public was focused on increasing rates for natural gas consumers", details on the website, where it was stated that the claim was due to billing.

LA NACION tried to contact the technician who was traveling to Spain following a sporting event and could not answer.


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