Castelar: After playing a leading role in a viral street fight, they were arrested and their vehicles sequestered


April 11, 2019
– 18:04

The municipality of Morón has begun the process of withdrawing the driving license of those involved in the fight that took place on March 31, who also staged an attack on the streets of western Conurbano.

Two young men who organized a street fight in Castelar were arrested after the images of the confrontation were turned into viruses of different social networks.

The confrontation, which took place on March 31, was recorded by a person with his mobile phone.

For its part, the Municipality of Morón contributed more images recorded by the security cameras in which you can see a careless pursuit featuring young people and started the process for drivers to be disabled.

Street fight in Castelar

In addition, UFI N ° 5 of the judicial department of Morón He ordered the removal of the vehicles involved to perform the relevant tests to have been. It should be noted that the drivers organized an illegal attack on public roads, thus putting the lives of third parties in danger.


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The incident occurred at the exit of clubs and for reasons unknown, two groups of drunken youth found themselves in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant.

The conflict that took place at the intersection of the streets Santa Rosa and Sarmiento of Castelar, included blows and the launch of blunt objects.

As seen on the images taken and broadcast on social networks, one of the cars was violently attacked. His driver, while he seemed to have finished the fight, decided to deliberately crash the car in which they had raised their attackers, escaping at full speed and being chased by the other vehicle in question. .


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