"Cat Day" is celebrated today and networks are bursting with tender and fun messages


Today, the "cat festival" is celebrated all over the world. But the truth is that this tribute hides a secret: it is the only animal to have been rewarded three days of the year, since August 8 and October 29 are also dedicated to these cats.

So, what is celebrated on February 20th? The death of Socks, one of the most famous cats of recent years, has been considered "the white house cat" under the Clinton administration. This was stolen from the media because it was characterized by the presence of all the family photos of the president. His death caused a tribute on social networks that day.

As for the other two celebrations, that of August 8 is linked to that of 2002, an initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, as well as other animal rights organizations, created this date to commemorate the (other ). ) "Day of the cat". On the other hand, historically, the month of August is the month of the cat that corresponds to the period of the year when it is in full fertile period and does not stop for wander and meow.

While October 29, in Europe, it is the best known date. Colleen Paige, an expert in the field of pets, launched this initiative every year with the goal of making 10,000 adoptions of cats.

The truth is that no matter which date you choose to celebrate "Cat Day", and that you can even celebrate the three days, the important thing is that you devote time to your pet and make you aware of the care that respect towards them and the mobilization for adoption in front of the purchase of animals. As a result, social networks are exploding with the hashtag # díternternacionaldelgato and messages referring to this special date for all cat lovers. Even many take the opportunity to take selfies and show up with their "friends".

This is not just that today, 20, be #DiaInternacionalDelGatois that they inspire tranquility, caress them can reduce your stress …
So: stay calm and love cats
We?Animaux#Good Wednesday pic.twitter.com/wStvfi7PsO

– National Police (@policia) February 20, 2019

Having favorites is not our thing, but if #GooseElGato He is the most Jack in the world, they say. #InternationalDelGato Day pic.twitter.com/CqQQBvZNRJ

– Marvel Spain (@MarvelSpain) February 20, 2019

Happy #InternationalDelGato Day! pic.twitter.com/elheu5eRpM

– Big Bang (@bigbang_ES) February 20, 2019

Today it is the #DiaInternacionalDelGato . The same gatelets everywhere! pic.twitter.com/44Q5BAKjIY

– The place of Kenshin (@ Abel_ASJ84) February 20, 2019

The #DiaInternacionalDelGato and here they blew me up#Good Wednesday pic.twitter.com/OQWudyJg64

– PcService (@PcService_madri) February 20, 2019

Independent, undisciplined, brazen and daring, cats fill our lives with hair and crazy things! Whatever they are, we would not trade them for anything in the world. Happy #InternationalDelGato Day! ♥ ️ ? pic.twitter.com/exuQVC8vGx

– Disney Spain (@DisneySpain) February 20, 2019

? Today it is the #DiaInternacionalDelGato and we did not want to stop greeting them

What do you think else? ? pic.twitter.com/Z8BzGf10bt

– TyC Sports (@TyCSports) February 20, 2019


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