Cat lonely in house turned on stereo: neighbors reported party


The inhabitants of this place denounced “a loud noise of music which prevented them from resting”. After registering this complaint, the officers attended the scene but checked that there was no one inside the apartment. They then began to investigate who was living there and in the morning they located the owner of the apartment, who was outside of town.

When they told him what had happened, the man told them what had happened. He said that “maybe what activated the music equipment was his cat who was left in the house because he has a habit of turning on the music equipment with his paw and turning the dial. volume.

Yes, a party addicted cat. And that was the only hypothesis that remained standing since only the animal was in the house at the time of the loud music. The next time you go on a trip, the owner will have to unplug the equipment, some wise, with common sense.

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