“Cat slaughterer” sentenced to 9 years in prison: he stabbed animals for fun | the Chronicle


This Friday British justice sentenced Steve Bouquet, better known under the name of “Brighton cat killer”, to 5 years and three months in prison.. This former mall security guard has been found responsible for stabbing 16 kittens, 9 of them fatally.

At the start of the trial, the 54-year-old pleaded “not guilty” to the judge and said he was not endangering the lives of these seven hairy men. However, Hendrix, Tommy, Hannah, Alan, Nancy, Gizmo, Kyo, Ollie and Cosmo, the nine stabbed by this criminal, would have another version of the facts.

During his statement, he said he posed no threat to the felines.

The attacks took place between October 2018 and July 2019, all with knives. In fact, the police arrested him after finding evidence in his house, his computer and in the neighborhood security cameras. For example, they found a knife in his house with feline blood and DNA on the handle and, as if that weren’t enough, several pictures of dead cats on his cell phone.

In total, he was charged with 16 felonies of criminal damage since according to the legislation in force in England, cats and other animals are considered as property. When reading the sentence, the judge Jérémuy Or describes the attitude of those who will spend the next 5 years behind bars as “cruel”as he attacked the “At the heart of family life”.

He was sentenced to 5 years and 3 months in prison.

As the trial unfolded, the magistrates were able to hear the heartbreaking testimonies of the owners of the attacked felines. To display a button, Stewart Montgomery, whose pet Hendrix was one of nine animals killed, confessed to local media that “The fact that a nine month old kitten is stabbed outside your front door … that’s the next level.”

In addition, he clarified that the loss went far beyond “property” as provided by law. “My cat is not a toaster. Criminal damage breaks someone’s property, instead a cat is a living creature with feelings and a conscience,” he pointed out.

For its part, Carolyn Green, found Tommy, brindle and short-haired, lying down and visibly injured at the door of his house, after she let him out to breathe just 15 minutes before. “I picked up Tommy and noticed blood on my shirt”, he said sadly during his statement. In the end, the cat’s 4-centimeter-deep wounds were too much for him.

Bouquet was captured by a neighbor’s security cameras moments before her cat was stabbed.

Additionally, all of these owners described the pain it caused them to see their beloved bloody kittens and added that they spent thousands of pounds at the vet because of the killer.

According to tax Thompson, Bouquet’s computer showed that there was “Repeatedly accessed a website regarding lost cats in the city, paying particular attention to one cat that was killed.”

In addition, it was discovered that “He had also seen numerous videos related to dogs killing cats and two photographs of a dead cat in a front yard, taken at different times of the day, were retrieved in his devices and allegedly taken by him.”

For its part, Jayne cioffiof the prosecution said that Steve Bouquet not only inflicted terrible suffering on each of the animals he attacked, but also caused real trauma to their owners, many of whom found their beloved pets injured and bleeding. The CPS will always seek to prosecute people for animal cruelty, whether they are pets or other wildlife, when the cases pass our legal test. “


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