Catalonia: more than 120 wounded and 51 arrested after three days of demonstrations


New riots took place tonight in front of the offices of the Ministry of the Interior of Catalonia, Barcelona, which included a gigantic fire near a gas station and clashes with the police, when a crowd gathered outside the government headquarters to demand the resignation of the head of the institution, Miguel Bruch.

The incidents occur for the third consecutive day after Monday, the courts sentenced him to penalties up to 13 years in prison to the Catalan separatist leaders that two years ago proclaimed the independence of the region.

The crowd has moved to the headquarters of the Counseling, in Diputación and Sant Joan, after participating in a peaceful concentration just a few streets from Marina and Gran Via, although for this second stage, it was possible to see many demonstrators equipped with large stones and sticks to face the police.

The citizens raised and threw toilet paper in the air with the slogan that they had done "for all the bullshit" that they granted to the court decision that affected the separatists.

In addition to throwing stones and sticks against the seat of the advice, the most elated triggered a huge fire just meters from a gas station, which immediately led to the immediate presence of firefighters at the scene of the fire, who tried to avoid a disaster .

Catalonia He faced his third consecutive day of mobilizations in a tense climate after a night of widespread unrest that showed the radicalization of an area of ​​independence in his strategy of responding to the convictions of the leaders of the process of secession missed 2017.

The riots last night had already left 125 injured, 74 of them in Barcelona, although no serious, as reported by the emergency system Catalonia.

In addition, 51 protesters were arrested, according to figures from Government.

Clashes in Barcelona



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