Catechesis of the Pope: "Serve hope, it is to build bridges between civilizations"


The apostolic visit to Morocco, theme of the catechesis of Pope Francis during the general audience on Wednesday, April 4, 2019.

Renato Martinez – Vatican City

"With the motto" Servant of Hope ", I was able to take another step in the path of interreligious dialogue with our Muslim brothers, remembering the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan Al-Malik al-Kamil, 800 years ago, and Pope John Paul II, there are more than three decades, "said Pope Francis during the general audience the first Wednesday of April 2019, as part of his 28th Apostolic Journey to Morocco, held on March 30-31.

One more step on the path of interreligious dialogue

In his catechesis, the Holy Father thanked His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the other Moroccan authorities for their warm welcome and for all their collaboration, especially the King, who was very fraternal, very friendly and close. "I thank the Lord above all – said the Pontiff – for allowing me to take another step in the path of dialogue and meeting with the Muslim brothers and sisters." My pilgrimage followed the traces of two saints: St. Francis of Assisi and John Paul II 800 years ago Francis conveyed the message of peace and fraternity to Sultan Al-Malik Al-Kamil In 1985, Pope Wojtyła made his visit memorable in Morocco, after receiving King Hbadan II at the Vatican, the first among the Muslim heads of state. "

Why does the pope address Muslims and not only Catholics?

Pope Francis intervened spontaneously wondering: but why does the pope address Muslims and not only Catholics? Why are there so many religions? "With the Muslims – says the Pontiff – we are the descendants of the same Father, Abraham". Why does God allow so many religions to exist? But God wanted to allow this: Scholastic theologians said that permissive rollers of God. He wanted to allow this reality: there are many religions, some of which are born of culture, but always look to heaven, look to God. But what God wants is the fraternity between us and in a particular way – that is why, this journey – with our brothers children of Abraham, like us, the Muslims. We should not be afraid of the difference: God allowed it. But yes, we must be afraid not to work together for fraternity.

Serve hope, it is build bridges between civilizations

In this sense, the Holy Father said that it was a joy and an honor to be able to do this with the noble kingdom of Morocco, by finding his people and their leaders, with whom we remembered to be able to do it. important international summits held in this country in recent years, and with King Mohammed VI, we reaffirm the essential role of religions in defending human dignity and promoting peace, justice and the concern for creation, our common focus. "Serving hope means building bridges between civilizations and, with King Mohammed VI, we reaffirm that religions are essential to uphold human dignity, promote peace and preserve creation." Together, we made a call in Jerusalem so that it be preserved as a heritage of humanity and a peaceful meeting place, especially for the faithful of the three monotheistic religions. "

Respect for other religions and rejection of violence

Saturday, explained the pontiff, I visited the mausoleum of Mohammed V and paid tribute to his memory as that of Hbadan II; I was also at the Institute of Training Imams and Preachers, which promotes a respectful Islam and rejects violence and fundamentalism. In particular, I paid particular attention to the issue of migration, proposing a path through four verbs: to welcome, protect, promote and integrate.

Special attention to the issue of migration

For this reason, I paid particular attention to the issue of migration, both with the authorities and at the meeting on migrants. "Some of them testified that the lives of those who emigrated were transformed and became human again when they found a community that welcomed them as people.It is fundamental.In December, in Marrakech, Morocco, the "Global Compact for a Secure, Orderly and Regular Migration" has been ratified, an important step towards baduming the responsibility of the international community As the Holy See, we have offered our contribution, which is summed up in four verbs: to welcome , protect, promote and integrate.

"It is not a matter of lowering welfare programs from above, but of creating together a path through these four actions to build cities and countries that, while by preserving their respective cultural and religious identities, be open to differences and know how to value them as a sign of human fraternity "

"They are people, not migrants!"

In this sense, Pope Francis declared that the Church in Morocco was very attached to the proximity of migrants and, for that, I wanted to thank and encourage those who generously put themselves at their service by applying the word of Christ: " I was a stranger and you they welcomed me. "" I do not like to say migrants; I like to say migrants. Do you know why? Because migrant is an adjective, in On the other hand, people are names.We have fallen into the culture of the adjective: we use a lot of adjectives and we often forget the names, that is the stuff.L & # 39; 39, adjective must be linked to a name, to a person, ie not to a migrant: a migrant person.Therefore, there is respect.To avoid falling into this culture of l & # 39; 39 adjective too liquid, too gaseous ".

The people of God in the heart of an Islamic country

Sunday was dedicated to the Christian community. I visited the rural center of social services, run by the Daughters of Charity; then in Rabat Cathedral, I met priests, consecrated persons and the World Council of Churches. Their presence in this country is like salt or yeast that can scent and grow the dough. I concluded my visit with the celebration of the Eucharist, which was attended by thousands of people from some 60 different nations, a special epiphany of the People of God in the heart of an Islamic country.

Foster fraternity ties

Before finishing his catechesis, Pope Francis cordially greeted Spanish-speaking pilgrims from Spain and Latin America. "Let us ask that God, the Merciful and the Merciful – as invoked by our Muslim brethren, encouraged the Pope – encourages interreligious dialogue and fosters the bonds of fraternity that unite us as children of the same God. ".

Catechesis of Pope Francis


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