Catherine Fulop and Verónica Llinás wore orange scarves for the separation of church and state


  Catherine Fulop and Verónica Llinás used orange handkerchiefs for the separation of church and state "title =" Catherine Fulop and Verónica Llinás used orange handkerchiefs for the separation of 39; Church and State "/>
</div><figcaption clbad= Catherine Fulop and Verónica Llinás wore orange handkerchiefs for the separation of church and state

In the midst of intense debate over the legalization of l & # 39; abortion (which already has a half-sanction in the Chamber of Deputies), Verónica Llinás and Catherine Fulop surprised on television by showing themselves, not with the clbadic green handkerchief in support of the initiative, but orange.

" Church and State, Separate Affairs ", could be read in the orange handkerchiefs that the actresses used in PH, We Can Speak . "I think it's a necessary discussion, since the church has a great influence on leaders' decisions, before making a decision that could affect the church, they think it well and give in even to the pressures, "criticized Llinás

. For its part, Fulop argued that women deserve an extension of rights in order to decide their lives and their plans.

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