Cause of the notebooks: they arrested Miguel Ángel Plo, former lawyer of the widow of Daniel Muñoz


The lawyer is accused of having participated in money laundering for more than 70 million dollars. Initially, the former secretary of the Prison Policy of Buenos Aires had badumed the defense of Pochettibut a repentant related to crimes committed during Kirchnerism and a few weeks later he was imputed prosecutors for money laundering and as a participant in money laundering activities in the United States.

In this context, Bonadio he also arrested Plo's son-in-law, Federico Zupivich, to make room for an order made by the prosecutors in this case, Carlos Stornelli and Carlos Rívolo.


Cause of notebooks: they quote to declare to ex-Senator Roberto Urquía

The trial of Cristina Kirchner, in the return of the judicial activity

In the file they appear a series of trips that Plo and his family made to the United States related to dissolution and renewal badets that, in early 2016, had the marriage of Daniel Muñoz, former private secretary of Néstor Kirchner, and Pochetti in this country. But when they were the subject of an investigation, the two men, his daughter and son-in-law, said that the trips were purely personal.

Like the widow of Muñoz and twenty other indicted persons, the lawyer and his son-in-law are accused of having "makes different commercial transactions from what emerges the formation of companies and the purchase of real estate on behalf of them, operations which are not conditioned by their economic capacity ".

For her part, Pochetti, who has asked to be accepted as repentant in the case, will be sent back to the federal courts of Comodoro Py today for expand your statement and waiting for the homologation of Judge Bonadio to become a collaborator accused.


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