Cavallo analysis of the crisis and what would happen if Fernández won it in October


In an article bearing his signature on, former Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo said that if Alberto Fernández was repeating in general the success that he had had within the company. OSP, the exchange rate would be very high.

"A future Kichner government, when it comes to power, will bring about a great change in foreign policy and foreign trade policy.In foreign policy, it will replace the privileged relationship with the United States, Europe. and non-Bolivarian Latin America: political, commercial and financial support in Russia and China, consistent with this foreign policy, in terms of foreign trade policy the idea of ​​opening up the economy and integrating it into the global economy will be abandoned "he explained.

He added that with a possible government, there would be "differential increases in import duties, greater quantitative restrictions on imports, greater deductions in the agricultural, mining and energy sectors and," he added. In addition, quantitative export restrictions will become standard and very important economic policy instruments. In addition to price and exchange controls and freezing of tariffs, trade restrictions will seek to control both higher prices and higher prices. the external trade balance, two fronts in which to promote the increase of internal consumption, they will surely find serious complications. "

The full badysis here



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