Cayman “fell asleep”, but they did not carry their wallet: a jaguar ate it | the Chronicle


Abigail Martin, a jaguar conservation activist was able to capture on camera in April last year the moment the jaguar dubbed Mick Jaguar, inhabitant of the Brazilian part of the Pantanal – a biome that extends into Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil -, hunted an alligator weighing 36 kilos.

The recording shows how the cat drags a reptile it has just captured along a river. As the cat releases the pressure from its jaws, the alligator seizes the opportunity and tries to escape. However, the Mick Jaguar easily caught up with him and sank his teeth into his neck., dragging him through the bushes.

Martin, a 30-year-old New Yorker, founded the nonprofit Jaguar Identification Project which is dedicated to the compilation of an individual database of jaguars to better understand their behavior.

The expert explained that although Mick Jaguar is not known as the best hunter in the area, he is an “expert” in reptile hunting. “He’s not exactly the best hunter, but if you stick with him (to watch him), he’ll definitely catch something.”, Outfit.

“Every time you see one of these majestic creatures in nature, it’s almost as if everything in life that doesn’t matter disappears and all of your senses come to life. I love to see them without distractions so that I can enjoy the unique and wonderful experience“he added.

Fights between jaguars and alligators in this region have been on the rise since at least 2017, when the photographer Chris Brunskill recorded a confrontation.

However, Recent fires in the Pantanal Jaguar Corridor have left 600 of the estimated 2,000 jaguars living in the region with injuries and deaths.

The video of the confrontation between the ferocious feline and the reptile


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