CDMX reported first hospitalization for COVID-19 in patient with full immunization schedule


(Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)
(Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)

On Friday, the government of Mexico reported that a person with the full COVID-19 vaccination schedule is hospitalized for this disease.

During the usual press conference in the capital, the head of the local health ministry, Olivia lopez arellano, did not give details on this patient, but assured that his current state of health is stable.

He also pointed out that most of the people who are currently hospitalized in the capital are those who they were not immune to SARS-CoV-2.

“Basically, hospitalized people are people who don’t have their vaccine, which is precisely why the whole group of 60 years and over. Those who don’t have a vaccine are coming and they are the ones who are hospitalized, ”he commented.

(Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartoscuro)

In view of this, the Dr called on all citizens to go to vaccination centers to receive the two doses against COVID-19, at the appropriate time, according to them. your age and mayor of residencehe.

“This is why the call to all groups to get vaccinated when it is their turn, their town hall and their age group,” he said.

During this same videoconference, the CEO of the Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Eduardo Clark mentioned that last week’s indicators had shown some stability, dropping from 615 to 642 in the capital those in hospital beds, including 250 require intubation.

Regarding hospital admissions, he announced that the metropolis reported 57 last week, with that figure Clark pointed out that there is a reduction in 91.1% from the January peak.

(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)

According to the local technical report update of June 18, there is 641 people hospitalized, of whom 396 remain in general beds and 245 are intubated.

However, the Federal Ministry of Health announced on the same afternoon that Mexico City will spend next week in yellow (medium risk) in the Epidemic Risk Stoplight, despite local authorities saying the country’s capital will remain in green (low risk), and they even announced capacity expansion in restaurants and other entertainment venues from Mondays June 21.

Mexico won’t be the only one to yellow, will share the color with Campeche, Chihuahua, Colima, Nuevo León, Sinaloa, Sonora and Veracruz

Dentist dies in Nuevo León who had a full COVID vaccination program

(Photo: EFE / Jorge Torres)
(Photo: EFE / Jorge Torres)

An elderly dentist, who had been vaccinated with both doses against COVID-19, died of this disease because it took a long time to treat it, said Nuevo León Health Secretary Manuel de la O Cavazos.

The state official pointed out that despite the elderly person having a sufficient amount of antibodies, he contracted the coronavirus and went to the hospital when he already had saturation of 70% oxygen.

Likewise, he recalled that vaccines protect up to a 90% to those who receive them and their protection is against death or serious illness, although there are cases like this man who arrived late at the hospital.

For this reason, the official urged people to continue to take care of themselves, although they already have their full program, saying that “They trust each other, they go to parties, huff, take off the mask and that’s not correct.”


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