Celac and the EU launch the second meeting of Chancellors in Brussels | news


The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States ( Celac ) held on Monday II Meeting of Foreign Ministers with the European Union ( EU ), to which more than 60 Foreign Ministers of both organizations participate, to discuss issues of multilateral cooperation for sustainable development .

Key Ministers of Celac and EU will discuss new policies to promote trade, productivity, and investment to address global challenges.

Likewise, extend the cooperation of States in the fight against drug trafficking and other issues of common interest, in accordance with the provisions of Agenda 2030 for the sustainable development of United Nations ( United Nations ).



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The President for the time of Celac, Chancellor of El Salvador, Carlos Castaneda indicated that integration issues will be discussed and bi-regional and global collaboration to ensure stability, justice, peace and work.

"This is a very important space for strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two regions (…) fundamental issues of the bi-regional agenda and for its part, the President from the EU, Federica Mogherini claimed that Europe and Latin America are increasingly close to regional consolidation, said Mr. Castaneda.

"No one should be left behind, there is no sustainable development without social justice, and we must leave a better world than ourselves … in the face of international disputes, only diplomacy and international cooperation may be suitable. "

The second meeting of the Foreign Ministers will last until next Tuesday and will bring together the diplomatic representatives of the 33 states of Latin America and the Caribbean which make up the Celac as well as the 28 EU Foreign Ministers.

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