Celebrate or extinguish the fire: a point of view on Notre Dame and social networks


The fire of Notre Dame de Paris sparked a rather improbable debate on social networks. Twitter accounts and Facebook walls burned to celebrate or deplore the incident love for or against the disaster.

Two groups were generated, who braided like rabid and hungry children, allowing them to sing their respective hatreds. It seems that being able to express the predilection of seeing a particular type of temple burn would have become urgent. Cathedral or mosque? Paris or Syria?

The controversy even covered the predictable comments on the new awards, the latest wonders of Lionel Messi and the blessed rosary that Pope Francis would have sent to Amado Bodou.

There was a lot of exaggerated radicalism, little rhetorical fueguitos that went bankrupt to destruction. He also scanned the nets like a flash, a sort of obligatory regret and indignation in fashion.

Many firefighters of the French cathedral have applauded in the name of identities postponed, or have embodied the voices of groups historically abused and persecuted by the Catholic Church and its earthly networks of vigilance and punishment.

The actress and writer of Cordoba Camilla Sosa Villada has posted the phrase "the only church that illuminates is the one that burns, this is your high flame Paris", which came from many Twitter users and Facebook users. As a result of this statement, the artist Sara Stewart Brown (Jorge Lanata's ex-wife) compared it to the disappearance of the last Argentine dictatorship's army.

Sosa Villada is then disputed on his wall: "It is clear that I can not feel empathy with ancient stones and an inaccessible art.But in addition and as happened with Michael Jackson, I wonder if it is possible to admire the Christian art by knowing the horror, the persecution, the murders, the tortures of the Catholic Church.

The artist León Ferrari, whose father, Augusto, was a noted church builder, a painter of pious scenes and an altar designer, had a similar vision of the story of the past. Horror and martyrdom to which, according to him, the Christian art had been acquitted. to exalt for two millennia and a little more. He has devoted many texts and much of his work to the fight against infernal visions, psychological torture and religious thought, which continues to show retrograde signs.

But it is one thing to disagree with the Catholic faith and to fight against the incidence of religious beliefs in civil life, or to consider religion, in Borgeian terms, as a branch of fantasy literature that should not governing the existence of people. believer, and another thing is to rise in the celebration of misfortune. Like it was possible to fight hate with the good hatred of those who think together.

Our Lady is (or was), obviously, several things at once: a great symbol of Christianity, a marvelous work of art, a feat that materializes the human effort, a center of attraction for one of the major tourism capitals. It also represents a confluence of traditions, which includes the signs and figures that the first members of Freemasonry (the term comes from buildertranslated into stone and bequeathed as a true compilation of occultist wisdom and tributes to alchemy.

Among the colored notes that accompanied the news of the fire, there were several dedicated to the novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame and its author, Victor Hugo, who defined the Parisian church as "the manual the more satisfying of hermetic science ".

Our Lady Many things at once. Even the excuse for the story of Quasimodo to be again a bestseller.


"The truth is that the syllogism hurts you, but you do not hurt" sterilizes all conversations, "said journalist and writer Daniel Riera about the new split between" notredamistas "and" antinotredamistas ".

On both sides, there were (or there are, during those hours when the controversy is reduced to ashes) sticks, bombs and recriminations indicating the pains and the corresponding lamentations.

The artist and cultural director of Cordoba Indira Montoya, after expressing regret for the loss of the cathedral, has received on his wall Facebook reproaches and attacks calling it a "fascist accomplice of the church".

"I had the privilege of knowing Our Lady and I felt emotion inside, and that does not make me a chupacirios," wrote the author. historian Federico Lorenz. He added: "The fire of Our Lady is a pity that we all live in. And the silent messages are a warning: we are so close to confusing politics with fast and ignorant spittle, so close to denying us the opportunity to recognize ourselves. in the past and to project a future, that a spark would suffice, to tell the truth, so there is nothing left, neither whoever nor who remembers it. "

The next fire or the new attack will see us frantically tapping into our accounts. Until there.


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