Celebrate Pride: Celebrating 50 Years of LGBTQ Today


Through a


, Google is celebrating today the 50th anniversary of the day of

Gay Pride

and shows its evolution through its iconic parades. "Doodler" Nate Swinehart explained on the platform what is today's elaborate design and what it meant for him to face this project that touches him closely.

"The Pride Parade is a symbol of celebration and liberation for the entire LGBTQ + community, from its early days of activism on Christopher Street, New York, to the world today. he gave power and voice to a bright and vibrant community, "said Swinehart.

He also admitted that working on this Doodle was a very personal project for him. "As a member of the LBGTQ + community, I am very familiar with the struggle to feel included, accepted and be part of this world." Before joining Google in 2014, I remember having opened the Doodle to celebrate the Winter Olympics. They sport the colors of the Flag of Pride. I was completely impressed, "he said.

This is how this simple gesture made him hopeful and feel that it was part of something. "That was very much due to the fact that I wanted to become a Doodler, I recognized the opportunity to have a positive impact on the world and to help people to feel, to listen and to value ".

Swinehart also celebrated the level of freedom that Queer people experience because of the progress they have made over the decades. "I could not imagine even in my most remote dreams, and I hope that in the future the day will come when everyone, regardless of his identity, will be able to stand up and walk proudly to celebrate, with happy pride. "


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