Celebrations, walks and hobbies while waiting for Easter Sunday


There are proposals for all tastes in public spaces. Plaza Azcuénaga and Los Hornos were the main attractions

Celebrations, walks and hobbies while waiting for Easter Sunday

yesterday an Easter festival with a gastronomic and recreational promenade / gonzalo calvelo

Today the Holy Week celebration ends with different liturgical activities in all the temples of the city. The mbades will be at the center of the main attention of the Catholic faithful. Meanwhile, since Friday, in different public spaces, there are proposals for all tastes in public spaces to spend the long weekend waiting for Easter Sunday.

In the case of religious temples, yesterday was a day of reflection as part of the so-called Easter vigil, waiting for Easter Sunday and the Resurrection.

Today, there will be different Mbades in most Catholic churches in the region.

In the case of the cathedral, today there are mbades at 9 o'clock; 10:30; 12, 18 and 20 years old, as stated in the Archbishopric of La Plata.

A similar program will be launched that day in the temples of the city's metropolitan area.

Meanwhile, there will be a smaller set of mbades in the periphery.

Since last Sunday, Palm Sunday, the Catholic community has lived one of the most important weeks, with the blessing of bouquets, the Chrism Mbad on Wednesday, the washing of feet on Holy Thursday, the Stations of the Cross and the walk for the seven churches Friday.

Yesterday, the Easter vigil was lived. Holy Saturday, formerly known as the Sabbath of Glory, is the day when the Christian community watches over the grave where Jesus is. After the commemoration of the death of Christ on the cross the day before, the moment of the resurrection is expected.


In all, yesterday there were various proposals to enjoy and share pasta with the family.

In this context, ACLHO and the Pro Humanae Vitae Foundation organized a colorful event yesterday at the Los Hornos shopping center, while from Friday to today the traditional Manos Platenses fair is held in Plaza Azcuénaga.

Yesterday, a new edition of the CUGA Gourmet Tour is held at the Los Hornos Mall, where special offers from local stores have been complemented by attractions including dishes and meals, games for children and adults, drawings and inflatable games. and live music. In turn, on this occasion, during the afternoon, the special tombola of a giant Easter egg was performed.

The activity that took place yesterday on 137th Street since the 12th, was supported by the Federation of La Plata (FELP), the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) and the Economic Federation of the Province of Buenos Aires ( FEBA).

For its part, Manos Platenses runs from Friday to today of 11 at Plaza Azcuénaga, located at 19 and 44 years old.

At the fair, there are entrepreneurs with all the crafts and design, in addition to children's shows and a giant Easter egg is fired each day.

There were also outdoor activities in the Saavedra Park and in the Meridiano V district, where every weekend, various proposals are offered to families and groups of friends who usually spend the afternoon in the open air, as yesterday were able to enjoy until the evening the various initiatives proposed by the entrepreneurs of the region.


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