Celebrities miraculously saved from 9/11 attack on twin towers


We are celebrating today the 18th anniversary of the Twin Towers' attack in New York. This is a fact that has marked modern history, opening a new era of terrorism in the world.

And as in all 9/11, the subject enters heavily into the journalistic agenda and returns to generate more content around this tragedy.

In this sense, the portal Just jared He told the story of celebrities who, by chance, were not in planes or in the twin towers themselves.

Mark Whalberg

He had to embark on one of the planes that had taken off from Boston and had an impact on the World Trade Center.

At the last moment, he decided to take a charter with his kids instead of the commercial plane.

"If I had been in the plane with my kids, I would not have landed," he knew to say to the magazine Men's Journal.

Seth MacFarlane

The actor and director had to take the same plane as Whalberg and was saved by a cause that today, even grace.

As he has said many times, he drank a lot last night and the effect of this great intoxication made him arrive ten minutes late at the boarding limit. Yes, he was saved by a few extra glbades.

Sarah, Duchess of New York

A meeting was planned in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, but fortunately he was late.

"I took each of those late minutes as a real blessing," he said. Daily Star

Michael Jackson

The pop star was supposed to be in a meeting in one of the towers that morning.

"Fortunately, none of us had the slightest idea that Michael had planned this meeting at the top of the Twin Towers," Jermain Jackson wrote in his book "You Are Not Alone".

And how was Michael saved? Simply because he's asleep.

Rob Lowe

Eleven days before the September 11 attacks, the actor took another small plane flying from Washington DC to Los Angeles. Among the pbadengers were those who would become the hijackers of airplanes at the origin of the attacks.

"I looked in the cabin, I do not remember anything in particular, no one looked scared or appeared to be a terrorist. It was like an absolutely normal flight, "said the actor to the newspaper Telegraph.


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