Celebrities who chose Río Negro to enjoy the snow


Valeria Mazza, Chato Prada, Lourdez Sánchez, Lola Latorre and Clarita Alonso were happy in Bariloche.

Several famous Argentineans have chosen Bariloche to practice winter sports. Among those who were present in the snow of Rioja, there was Valeria Mazza with her husband Alejandro Gravier, actress Clarita Alonso, daughter of the media Yanina Latorre, Lola Latorre and Tinelli's producer, Chato Prada, with her partner, Lourdes Sánchez.

Valeria Maza and her family are the faithful habitats of Cerro Catedral and ski enthusiasts. They usually do the double season in Argentina and Europe. This year, the five members of the family decided to meet to enjoy together in Bariloche.

Mazza and Gravier were also in love with a heated pool. They also participated in Snow Volleyball, one of the activities of the National Snow Festival.

Clarita Alonso

Clarita Alonso, actress of Bells at Night, arrived at Cerro Catedral with her ski buddy. She took her first steps in the snow, taking advantage of one of the best snowfalls of the last 25 years, slipped between the means of the base for beginners as the magic carpet, where she improved her level of skiing at during these days.

Lola Latorre

Another of the most famous was Lola Latorre, daughter of Yanina and Diego Latorre, who shone on the dance floor. She arrived in the city with a group of friends.

flat prada

Pablo "Chato" Prada and Lourdes Sánchez, as well as their grandson Valentino, were happy in the snow of Cerro Catedral. There were also his children, Florencia and Julián. The couple has uploaded several photos on their social networks.


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