Censorship in Nicaragua: the police of the Daniel Ortega regime surround the editorial staff of the newspaper El Confidencial


Nicaraguan National Police surround El Confidencial newsroom facilities (EFE / Jorge Torres)
Nicaraguan National Police surround the premises of the El Confidencial press room (EFE / Jorge Torres)

In yet another blow to freedom of expression in Nicaragua, the security forces of Daniel Ortega’s regime are located near the newspaper El Confidencial.

“We demand respect from our journalists. We reject a new threat of assault and seizure. They will not silence us. We will continue to do journalism ”, alerted on their social networks Carlos chamorro, director of this media.

And he added: “Thank you for your solidarity. Our offices are surrounded by riot troops. We demand respect for the physical integrity of our colleagues. We demand the withdrawal of the police ”.

Earlier this Thursday, the Nicaraguan regime, through the Interior Ministry, reported that it had opened an investigation against the presidential candidate by the opposition and the journalist Christian Chamorro Barrios, daughter of the former Nicaraguan president Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (1990-1997) and sister of Carlos Chamorro, for alleged money laundering.

The investigation against the communicator and presidential candidate takes place less than six months before the legislative elections, in which Ortega, in power since 2007, is seeking a new election.

The Interior Ministry indicated that the investigation against Chamorro Barrios was in his capacity as executive director of the Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation, dedicated to the protection and promotion of freedom of the press and expression, and a position she resigned from last January.

Carlos Chamorro, director of El Confidencial
Carlos Chamorro, director of El Confidencial

“The ‘Violeta Barrios de Chamorro Foundation for Reconciliation and Democracy’ has seriously failed in its obligations before the regulatory body and the analysis of financial statements for the period 2015-2019, clear indications of money laundering have been obtained, “said the Interior Ministry. , in a press release.

This portfolio added that “he had informed the public prosecutor (to open) the corresponding investigation” and quoted Chamorro Barrios, 67, as well as Walter Antonio Gómez Silva and Marco Antonio Fletes Casco, representative, financial administrator and general accountant of the foundation. , respectively, “to respond to the inconsistencies noted in the financial reports for the period 2015-2019”.

Chamorro Barrios announced last January the closing of operations as a result of Nicaragua’s controversial foreign agent regulation law, promoted and approved by the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which penalizes those who receive funding and donations from abroad.

Then, also the daughter of the journalist and national hero Pedro Joaquin Chamorro, assassinated in 1978 for criticizing the president and the dictator Anastasio Somoza DebayleIn a letter to Ortega, he indicated that he was, with this law, “to legally assassinate Nicaraguan civil society with threats of fines and other grievances”, and that he was trying to declare a Nicaraguan alien in his own country.

The vice-president also of the board of directors of the newspaper La Prensa has personally filed an appeal for unconstitutionality against this law, which, in her opinion, “is also another attack on the international community”.

Known in Nicaragua under the name of “Putin law” by the opponents, it establishes fines, sanctions and authorizes the request for intervention of goods and goods, as well as the cancellation of the legal personality of the NGOs if they intervene in “Political questions, activities or problems. internal “, a concept that the legislation leaves open to interpretation by the authorities.

The Nicaraguan regime has opened an investigation against Cristiana Chamorro, opposition candidate in the upcoming elections (EFE / Jorge Torres)
The Nicaraguan regime has opened an investigation against Cristiana Chamorro, opposition candidate in the upcoming elections (EFE / Jorge Torres)

After announcing his presidential aspirations, Chamorro Barrios won a mock election in the November general elections, organized by the Nicaraguan youth organization Decide. As part of the opposition division, the journalist proposed to choose by ballot a single opposition presidential candidate who will face Ortega in the November elections.

Two days ago, Ortega instructed the American ambassador in Managua, Kevin K. Sullivan, for allegedly “putting pressure” on the opposition parties to choose a single candidate for the November elections, which is asserted in political and diplomatic circles is Chamorro Barrios, who enjoys the greatest sympathy.

The Sandinista president warned: “The Yankee ambassador does not come in here, nominates candidates and puts pressure on political parties to accept the candidates the Yankee wants”.

Nicaragua plans to hold presidential and legislative elections on November 7.

The electorate, controlled by the Sandinistas, this week canceled the legal personality of two opposition parties.

With information from EFE


The American response to Nicaragua after the suspension of an opposition party for deviating from the “biblical principles” of the people

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