Censorship on public television: Hernán Lombardi man punished journalists for commenting on Venezuela


"A fact like this has not happened since the civil-military dictatorship", denounces the internal commission of the workers of the chain.

May 20, 2019

In a serious act of censorship for democracy, the director of public television, Néstor Sclauzero, punished journalists for their comments on the political and social conflict in Venezuela. Sclauzero It is one of Hernán Lombardi's dolphins inside the cbad that is under the orbit of the secretary of the state media.

A presenter and reporter from the editorial staff of the channel were summoned in a letter from Sclauzero.


It is not to follow an editorial line consistent with the foreign policy of the government of Mauricio Macri regarding the conflict in Venezuela.

To integrate

"A fact like this has not happened since the civil-military dictatorship", denounces the internal commission of the workers of the chain.

The director of the public television sanctions and asks explanations to the journalists for calling the "self-proclaimed president" Juan Guaidó and for to have regarded as a "coup d'etat" the paramilitary attack of the opposition backed by the United States Venezuelan citizens to eliminate Nicolás Maduro from his power.

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With a video and a statement, the workers also denounced the absence of any word in this weekend's programming on the most important event: the launch of the formula Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner.

"The management of TVP News in charge of Sclau, president of @FOPEA, incorporates in the newsletter political commissioners responsible for tasks similar to those of chiefs, without public competition within the meaning of the law. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the official decided a few weeks ago to move the journalists who have fulfilled this function for years. Under the pretext of austerity, they remove news reports and authoritatively reduce wages. But they hire militant journalists with high salaries to "monitor" the work of the workers. The director of this decision, the director Sclauzero, is the same one who silenced this weekend the announcement of the candidacy of Alberto Fernández. TVP was the only media not to mention a single word about this news. #Persecution on TVP"close the statement.

The TVP Information Directorate by @nsclauzero, chairman of @ FOPEA, incorporates n.mp4


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