Chaco Hoy – They ask that they withdraw from the air "100 days to fall in love" from the use of the green facial tissue


An extremist Facebook group demands that the program be removed from the antenna because "it destroys the minds of young people and drives them on a confused and distorted path."

A Facebook group called Argentinos Por La Patria ll published and an absurd statement where he demands to take the air "100 days to fall in love" and boycott Telefe because, according to them, the fiction "destroys the & # 39; The spirit of the young and leads them on a confused and distorted path. "

Fiction, starring Nancy Dupláa, Carla Peterson, Juan Minujín and Luciano Castro, addresses issues of social importance such as badual diversity, gender identity and legalization of the world. ;abortion. While many celebrate that reality is portrayed and treated with depth and respect on television, in prime time, others were against and repudiated.

"Aberrant program, we repudiate this program called" 100 days to fall in love "" to spread the revolting neo-Marxism deadly ideologies of abortion, the ideology of gender as something normal and the destruction of families as something comical and everyday, "said the group previously mentioned on Facebook

. That's why we must end this leftist programming that destroys the minds of young people by taking them into a confused and psychologically distorted path: Boycott of Telefe! "

The Overwhelming Response of Societe Generale des Auteurs d 'Argentinian (ARGENTORES):

" A Group Calling & # 39 "Argentineans for the Fatherland" wrote on his Facebook page a statement – in a way, you have to call it they published – in which they repudiate the program "100 days to fall in love". ;, written by our partners and colleagues Ernesto Korovsky, Silvina Fredjkes, Alejandro Quesada, Javier Rozenwbader, Sol Rodríguez Seoane and Martín Vatenberg, saying: … we must end this with a leftist programming that destroys the minds of young people by taking them (sic) (the agreement is false, but it would be the least bad) by a path confused and distorted psychologically. "

As Fray Antonio de Guevara wrote at the dawn of Renaissance:" It is typical of men with a middle head to attack against anything that does not fit in their head. " When he used "middle heads," the brother was probably referring to faint, mediocre heads, narrow minds where space is lacking because most of it has been filled with stupidity. a good way to define the intolerant.Those who delay, go against the evolution of society, oppose science, are retrigados, obscurantist, medieval, dogmatic, ignorant and, therefore, dangerous.

Those who, protected in words like fatherland, God, faith, justice – who in their mouths acquire sinister meanings – not only condemn but require the disappearance of all work that represents ideas different from theirs

Those who seize the flags e xclusive and exclusive Those who present themselves as elected to preserve the integrity of the values ​​that they claim to embody.

Those who do not argue but impose, those who do not dialogue but disqualify, those who do not listen but who shout.

who light bonfires in squares and crematoria in concentration camps to burn books, bodies and ideas

Those who are not able to perceive diversity.

Those who are enemies of all that is not

Those who persecute the different

Those who harbad minorities

Those who take advantage of democracy and freedom of social networks to poison the air with their messages of discrimination. 19659002] Those who Viralize Hate

Those who ask that our works disappear and ask for a boycott of our ideas, are the snake's egg and embody the worst of human beings, their most despicable side.

All this, ARGENTORES will fight against all forms of discrimination and censorship, against intolerance and for the defense of the free expression of all ideas. "

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