Chancellors Faurie and Maas analyze bilateral relations and express their "concern" for Venezuela – Telam


Chancellor Jorge Faurie and his German counterpart, Heiko Maas, today discussed the bilateral program of the two countries, taken position on regional issues and decided to express their "great concern" about the situation that crosses Venezuela during a meeting in Berlin.

Faurie today began a two-day visit to Germany to attend the "Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative" forum with foreign ministers from the countries of the region.

In this context, he also spoke to Maas of recent progress in the negotiations of a trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union.

"This is a very good opportunity to exchange ideas about the world we live in and the goals we face in this redistribution of the international scene, at a time of many transformations," said Faurie. after the meeting, according to the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs. in a statement.

The official thanked "the level of relationship that Germany has given us, especially under the government of President Mauricio Macri" and welcomed "positive gestures of encouragement and validation of our economic reforms that the Council of Government Angela Merkel has always practiced ".

"For Latin America, Germany is an extremely important country in our economic processes, in the investments that it maintains in the region, in the role that it has had during the years. last decades through political dialogue, defending the values ​​of freedom and security, democracy, "Faurie added.

He further stated that Nation "is a strategic investor in a large part of the South American countries: in Argentina, it is the ninth foreign investor with a stake in strategic companies in the industrial sector, conventional and renewable energies, for example in the chemical and health sectors. "

In addition, the two foreign ministers discussed at their meeting the Latin American regional scenario and expressed in particular their "great concern" in the face of the critical situation in Venezuela and "for the living conditions of Venezuelans".

Faurie said that he shared with Maas the "concern of finding a way out" in a file in which "the opinion of Germany in Latin America is very important".

"We are working, Germany's International Contact Group and Argentina within the Lima Group, and with the efforts shared by all, we hope to achieve a solution that will restore the freedom and democracy of Venezuelans. "said the manager.

"We think, from the Lima group, that the involvement of organizations such as the UN is vital to create the conditions and alertness needed to find a solution," said the chief of Argentine diplomacy.


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