Change the schedules at Chilean border posts


The Chileans will have to postpone their clocks for sixty minutes until midnight this Saturday, except in the Magallanes and Antarctic region, where begins to run the so-called "winter program".

The initiative means that the South American country of 18 million inhabitants will end up with a difference of four hours compared to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), instead of the three that prevail during the summer, according to the agency EFE.

In the western island territory, which includes Easter Island and Isla Sala y Gómez, in the Pacific, the clocks must also be delayed and will remain with a difference of six hours compared to GMT time.

Regarding the Los Libertadores pbad, even with the change of weather will continue to operate on a continuous schedule during the 24 hours until May 31st.

We remind you that today, at midnight, we leave with the winter schedule.
The pbad will continue to run continuously during the 24 hours, until May 31st.
From the 1st of June, we will attend from 8:00 to 20:00.

– CF Los Libertadores (@CFLosLibertador) April 6, 2019

According to the authorities, "the winter time" will change this time from three to five months and will end on September 7th at midnight.

The Chilean Minister of Energy, Susana Jiménez, told the press that with this modality, "we wanted to privilege the clear hour of the morning, which directly benefits the well-being of the population and especially our children, who must arrive at school with the light of day to begin your learning process. "

Since 1966, the agency responsible for maintaining the official time in Chile is the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA), based in Valparaíso.

During the great drought of 1968, the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva (1964-1970) decided to implement the temporary change of time to cope with the lack of rain that year. but it has been repeated the following years, with some variations in its extension.



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