Chascomús teacher captivates readers around the world with her 5 minute sex stories


“We decided to open up the couple and started discussing with my husband the possibility of having threesomes”said the professor in dialogue with Infocielo and commented: “I had an erotic conversation with a boy and one day wrote him something; my husband saw it and asked me why I couldn’t write something like that to him ”.

With a significant dose of skepticism about her own aptitude for erotic literature, María pulled out a ringed notebook and pen, and began to empty the first few lines of what would become her first adult story, titled Sol y Martin. Sex in public.

“We posted it on a Spanish page and it worked. I thought no one was going to like it, but 200 people read it in the first 24 hours.”She said enthusiastically remembering that magical moment.

According to her, her first “success” led her to write “one or two a day and she was posting them on this same page. The last one had 20,000 hits in 24 hours.”

Sex stories

But without a doubt, the most exciting moment was when, among the dozens of stories developed, he selected 11 to publish them in the book “Sex Stories in 5 minutes”.

“I had to go talk to my parents and explain to them that I was going to publish an erotic book and that they were going to start saying a lot of things that are not true because in a town as small as Chascomús, the rumors that are misinterpreted are starting to circulate and they are getting huge “, noted and considers that, in general, “Chascomús is a very closed and calm town.”

“They came to me asking if I was the one writing the stories or if it was actually my husband who did it when I was only listed as an author, like I didn’t believe I was able to write something like this, “writer clarified the disbelief of his own friends about the real author.

María assured that: “What is striking here in Chascomús and that many do not understand is that she is the mother of three children and that she has been married for 23 years, and at the same time writes erotic stories. C ‘is a very macho society., “she continued.

Sex Stories in 5 Minutes: A Secret Feminism Campaign

According to the teacher, the goal of this creation is that “the woman is awakened by this sexuality or this eroticism which has been culturally denied to us. It seems to me that we have the same right as men to generate pleasure, but also to receive it. “

“Sex is a pleasure, like eating a delicious meal or listening to good music” and, as such, “it should be enjoyed without prejudice or taboos”.

From what she herself details, her 11 erotic stories, which are loaded with passion, eroticism, sex, games and fantasies and in any case the same thing happens, “the one that takes control, it’s the woman “.

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