Chau pucho … Arroyo wants to delineate places for smokers in public spaces – Hoy's portrait


The local executive created a draft ordinance aimed at delineating spaces reserved exclusively for smokers in public spaces such as plazas . For this, areas will be indicated for gambling smokers for boys, dogs and banks. Gustavo Blanco health secretary of the municipality, said that "this project was promoted by Mayor Carlos Fernando Arroyo and the Secretariat through the that we propose that in public squares a sector for smokers be determined. These areas will be far from sandboxes, games for boys, dogs and banks. "

" With this proposal, "continued Blanco," we seek to avoid contact with pbadive smoke . This goes hand in hand with the lines of work of the prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases of which tobacco is the major as lung cancer . "

" It's a way to start take care of us We think that in spaces where kids play, there's no reason for those who do not want to smoke to breathe the smoke of someone else ", concluded the Minister of Health.

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