Chavez and opposition forces clash on Venezuela's border with Colombia


With tear gas and rubber bullets, the military chavistas they faced hundreds of protesterswhich require the humanitarian aid for Venezuela.

The riots took place on the bridge Francisco de Paula Santander, which connects the Venezuelan city of Ureña with the Colombian city of Cúcuta, where is the main collection center for shipments shipped by the United States. There are about 600 tons of food, hygiene kits and medical supplies. So many tons of help are in Brazil and Curacao.

I live | Guaidó challenges the territory and power of Maduro with a "humanitarian avalanche"

The Leader of the Opposition Juan Guaidó It is he who managed the international badistance with the support of other heads of state. The President of Paraguay, Mario Abdo; the one in Colombia, Iván Duque; and that of Chile, Sebastián Piñera; with the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, they were present in Cúcuta to support him. Guaidó is recognized by more than 50 countries as interim president of Venezuela.

Meanwhile, Nicolás Maduro's government ordered to thwart the attempt through a blockade. He ordered Friday to close several bridges that are among the most important pedestrian crossings. The Chavan government closed the border with Brazil a few days ago, where two indigenous peoples died and 15 were wounded in clashes with Venezuelan uniforms.

According to journalists posted on the Santander bridge, at least two protesters were reported stopped. "Or open or open," they shouted, asking for the lifting of the border closure to allow the pbadage of aid, stored for several days in Cucuta, where the concert took place on Friday. Venezuela Aid Live.

Previously, residents of Ureña, who traveled to Colombia daily, were also dispersed with tear gas and rubber projectiles. "We want to work!", They shouted in front of a picket line of the National Guard with riot gear blocking the bridge. After moments of tension, the military picket moved forward and some protesters reacted with stone. Other also burnt tiresafter the military troops deployed a vehicle with barricades to prevent pbadage.

Juan Guaidó directs humanitarian aid and Nicolás Maduro closed the airspace with Brazil

Guaidó and Maduro both called their supporters in Venezuela on the streets this Saturday. The first requires that the income from help. His rival Chavez describes the action as an attempt to "military intervention".

"Congratulations for being on the side of the Constitution, of your people," congratulated a group of soldiers, after being put at his command, as shown in a video on his account. Twitter.

The soldiers with whom I spoke have responded to their desire for life and future for their children, which the Usurper does not guarantee them.

Venezuelan soldier, the message is clear: do what the Constitution says. Amnesty and guarantees for those who stand for the people.

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 23, 2019

For his part, Colombian President Iván Duque said: "The dictatorship can not prevent the momentum of freedom that exists in Venezuela Thank you for your presence here, President Juan Guaidó." His arrival in Colombia is heroic . "

# Cúcuta We send a big greeting to the President of Venezuela @not a word who is in Colombia. His presence today in our country is the clearest demonstration that dictatorship can not hinder the momentum of freedom in Venezuela. #SolidaridadConVenezuela

– Iván Duque (@IvanDuque) February 23, 2019

Venezuela is going through a serious economic crisis, with a minimum wage which only concerns 6 dollarswho forced emigration of about 2.7 million people since 2015, according to the UN.

Sources: AFP / NA



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