Chavez soldiers set fire to trucks during humanitarian demonstrations and crack down on demonstrations


While Juan Guaidó is trying to organize the entrance of humanitarian aid to Venezuela by the border, the Bolivarian National Guard, which meets Nicolás Maduro, is doing everything possible to avoid it. In fact, some of the trucks that brought food and medicine from Colombia to the Caribbean country they were burned by the security forces. Hundreds of Venezuelans have tried to save dozens of boxes.

A long column of smoke was visible on the Francisco de Paula Santander International Bridge, while people pbaded the crates with food and medicine from hand to hand. to prevent that they also burned.

Fernando Flores, a witness who has introduced himself as an Ecuadorian legislator, said the National Guards of President Maduro's government They set the fire to trucks when they crossed into Venezuelan territory.

The usurper regime uses the most cruel acts and tries to burn the truck with the humanitarian aid that is located in Ureña.

Our brave volunteers are creating a chain to protect food and medicine.

The humanitarian avalanche is unstoppable

– Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) February 23, 2019

Maduro said that he would not allow any help to enter. The president believes that everything is part of a plan to prepare for a foreign military intervention.

"The usurper regimeand the value of the most vile acts and tries to burn the truck with humanitarian aid that is located in Ureña. Our brave volunteers are creating a chain to protect food and medicine. The humanitarian avalanche is unstoppable, "writes Guaidó himself on his Twitter account.


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