Chavismo and the opposition negotiate in Norway a possible exit of Maduro


Two representatives of Chavez and other opposition leaders have been negotiating for several days in Norway, with the participation of four local leaders, the conditions for a possible resignation of the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, Venezuelan political sources reported yesterday. .

Meanwhile, in Caracas, the National Assembly, under a powerful anti-Chavez regime, was able to meet despite tensions and strong security measures, after which it had to suspend its ordinary deliberations on Tuesday.

In Europe, representatives of Chavismo are the Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodríguez, and the state governor, Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez, and those of the opposition, l & # 39; 39, former deputy Gerardo Blyde and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, confirmed two Venezuelan political leaders. at Telam.

The second vice-president of the National Assembly (NA, Parliament), as well as the opposition Stalin Gonzalez, could be added to the latter.

The information was leaked Tuesday by the journalist and former ambbadador of Chavista, Vladimir Villegas, as part of a television show, and then retrieved by the news site. At the boatbut had been confirmed only yesterday by direct sources.

Yesterday morning, the second meeting was held in Oslo, which was attended by four legislators or local political leaders. Today, Venezuelan delegates will return to Caracas.

These meetings in Oslo, where no progress has yet been made on the topics of the agenda, but on the methodology of the dialogue, follow up on at least three trips that Norwegian negotiators have made in the Venezuelan capital.

L & # 39; initiative

according to At the boat, the initiative was led in Venezuela by the former mayor Leopoldo López, refugee at the embbady of Spain after his release on April 30 from his house arrest, and in principle involves his party , Voluntad Popular (VP), and other independent executives.

A vice-president belongs to Martínez Mottola, who was Minister of Transport and Communications and who headed the public telephone company Cantv during the second presidency of Carlos Andrés Pérez (1989-1993).

The early versions also included Primero Justicia (PJ), the group of former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, but the party denies its participation in negotiations and ensures on its Twitter account that no "its activists" Is in Norway in no responsibility. "

Blyde belonged to PJ and became the leader of his bloc of deputies in 2000-2006, but then moved on to the Social Democracy Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) and, since 2016, remains an independent leader in the fight against chavezisme.

This nascent dialogue table takes place a few days after the frustrated uprising of the civil and military forces that wanted to expel Maduro from the government on April 30 and that had the immediate consequence of increasing repression on the AN, the only public power out of five. Venezuela that Chavismo does not control, and demonstrations in the street.

Despite its failure, this initiative revealed the existence of various negotiations to facilitate the exit of Maduro, to which, according to various sources, even three senior officials of Chavismo would have participated.

USA Suspend all your flights

The United States announced yesterday the "immediate suspension" of all flights to and from Venezuela, before considering the "conditions" that threaten the safety of travelers, aircraft and crews.

The decision was made public by Interior Security Department interim secretary Kevin McAleenan, who announced the suspension of all "commercial pbadenger and cargo flights".

"This determination is based on political instability and increased tensions in Venezuela and the unintended risk of theft," it was said.

The information indicated that the suspension of the flights would remain "in force indefinitely" and indicated that the State, Transport and National Security departments would continue to monitor the situation in the oil country and, if necessary, re-examine the situation. measured.

On March 28, American Airlines announced the suspension of its flights for an indefinite period.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 16/05/2019 in our print edition.


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