Chavismo escalated the crackdown and Guaidó announced a general strike – Telam


The military, police and paramilitaries have now cracked down with harshness seen for several months in the anti-Chavez protests across Venezuela, where there was a second death the day after the military military uprising frustrated against the country. President Nicolás Maduro, to the point of condemning the UN and the contact group chaired by the European Union (EU).

Meanwhile, the parliament appointed acting president, Juan Guaidó, warned that Maduro's displacement goals "did not deflate" after the failed uprising and called again for a strike by state employees "heading towards the general strike".

Members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB, military police) and the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) fired tear gas and rubber bullets at most anti-Chavez sympathizers to avoid scheduled marches, informed the Venezuelan and foreign press.

The marches, however, took place, and in their course there were many clashes, in which we also saw hooded stones and Molotov badtails in uniforms.

A young woman, Jurubith Rausseo García, died during the demonstrations, according to
reported the NGO Conflict Observatory (OVCS), which brought to two the number of people killed by the new wave of anti-government protests in the country.


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