Chavismo warned that he is ready to invade Colombia – Telam


"In 11 seconds, a Sukhoi (Su-30) (plane) is in Bogotá," said Pedro Carreño, Minister of the Interior of the Government of Hugo Chavez and currently a member of the National Assembly constituent composed solely of Chavistas and plenipotentiaries self-proclaimed.

Venezuela has at least 20 operational units of the Russian-made Sukhoi Su-30 fighter-bomber with similar characteristics to the US F-15E Strike Eagle, according to the EFE news agency.

"Before a threatening military aggression from Colombia, we will first nail this flag to Bogotá," said the leader during an interview with Globovisión TV.

Carreño, who made this statement with a Venezuelan flag, added that the hypothetical "invasion forces" could not penetrate into cities like Maracaibo, San Antonio or San Cristobal, all located in the west. from Venezuela and close to Colombia.

The voter said that a possible war would be fought over Colombian territory and warned that the Venezuelan armed forces knew the coordinates of the main facilities of the neighboring country, such as bridges, reservoirs and refineries.

"We have the coordinates of the Narquiño Palace (ironic reference to Casa de Nariño, seat of the Colombian government); El Nogal district, where the oligarchy lives; El Quimbo Reservoir; from the refinery of Barrancabermeja, which is the largest in Colombia, "he said.

"Or do Colombians believe that we are morons and that we will be invaded?", He asked.

On the other hand, Carreño rejected a recent article in the Colombian magazine Semana, which reported alleged links between the Maduro government and irregular groups with the aim of destabilizing Colombia.

Documents published each week indicate that some 1,500 Colombian guerrilla fighters are of Venezuelan origin.

"What are we going to do with 1,500 fighters if we have Colombia, which is mounting an aggression, a military escalation?" Carreño said. "We have two million militiamen who train openly every day in the training centers of our country, who have their rifles".

The spokesman said Venezuela had at least 12,000 gunmen armed with Dragunov rifles, which he said were "foolproof".

"A cartridge is a fallen enemy. that is, if all the militiamen shudder every 12 hours, there will be 24,000 invaders that we will drop in one day; living is not going who dares to walk with his foreign boot in the homeland of (Simón) Bolívar, "said Carreño.

Bolívar is considered a liberator of Venezuela and Colombia.

Colombia and the Venezuelan Chavez regime are going through a new period of diplomatic tension since Maduro announced last week its intention to deploy an anti-aircraft missile system at the border and to organize military exercises from today .

Colombian President, Iván Duque, replied that it was a "bravado" of Maduro and reiterated that the chavist leader was protecting the leaders of the guerrilla liberation army organization. (ELN) and Iván Márquez, Jesús Santrich and other dissolved FARC leaders who have abandoned the Colombian peace process and resumed their armed struggle.

Relations between the two countries have been broken since last February. Colombia is one of 56 countries that ignore the mandate initiated last January by Maduro, knowing that it came out of irregular elections. They recognize Juan Guaidó at the head of the Venezuelan state, appointed acting president of Parliament.


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