Check if your name is on the list of contributors to political parties for the last elections


The organization La Alameda reunited
a request for every citizen who wants to control if his name is on the list of contributors to political parties for the last elections.

The initiative comes after a reporter investigation reported irregularities in Cambiemos contributors in the province of Buenos Aires. "If you are on this list and you know you have not contributed to any space, contact us," says La Alameda, which includes a phone number and an e-mail address.

Today, Maria Eugenia Vidal, Governor of Buenos Aires,
requested the resignation of the head of the General Accounting Office of Buenos Aires, after the complaint for alleged false contributions. Last week, Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello summoned to testify as witnesses
to 50 people who appear as contributors to the last election campaign of Cambiemos.

The origin of the case was a note from journalist Juan Ignacio Amorín at El Destape. He said that Cambiemos lists included hundreds of people who receive social plans (Ellas Hacen and Argentina Trabaja plans) or who are below the poverty line and seem to be funding the official campaign with donations for amounts between 300 and 1500 pesos. According to the complaint, these are people who did not contribute and who had no relationship with Cambiemos

The case began after the action of the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli. The central badumption is that there may have been a crime of "ideological falsification" of public documents, if fake contributors were included in the official report on the campaign income presented by the front to the electoral justice , according to judicial sources.

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