Checked. The unsustainable sentence of Cristina Kirchner's book


In his book
Sincerely (South American)

Cristina Kirchner

"I hoped that all Argentines and Argentineans could continue to enjoy Argentina as we left with an unemployment rate of 5.9%, one of the lowest in the world." history "Laura Zommer, director of


, checked if the unemployment rate was actually 5.9% when Cristina left the presidency.

The third quarter of 2015, where the 5.9% mentioned by Cristina was recorded, was the last published by the


until the change of government. The problem with this figure is that it is not reliable.

During a period of the government of Cristina Kirchner, Indec intervened. In 2016, the new administration of the Institute of Statistics warned that the series published between the first quarter of 2007 and the fourth quarter of 2015 should be considered with reservations. This is the same position adopted by international organizations such as the International Labor Organization (ILO).

What the specialists say is that, in the manipulation of numbers, these data are also not reliable. The unemployed are those who do not work but who seek it, while the inactive are those who have no work but do not seek it either. What has been done has been to consider a group of unemployed as inactive. In other words, show that they were not actively looking for work. In this way, the number of unemployed seems to be lower.

Cristina's sentence on unemployment is
unsustainable In Chequeado, we consider that a sentence is unsustainable when "the statement arises from surveys devoid of livelihood or serious methodological errors, or that it is impossible to verify". In this case, these are data developed by Indec during its intervention and they are unreliable.


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