Chelsea Manning was released after two months in jail for refusing to testify on WikiLeaks


Chelsea Manning, former US Army Intelligence Analyst she was released On Thursday night, after spending two months in jail for refusing to testify about the disclosure of military and diplomatic secrets to WikiLeaks, his lawyers said they did not exclude him. imminent return to prison for contempt.

Their release is due to the expiration of the 62 days of detention that the grand jury dictated, explained his support group, the Sparrow project.

"Unfortunately, he just got out, Chelsea received a new summons to appear. That means you have to appear before the grand jury on Thursday, May 16th, "the group said, citing Manning's lawyers.

"Chelsea will continue to refuse to answer the questions ", which could be worth a return to prison, they said.

The military transbadual was sentenced in 2013 to 35 years in prison by a court martial because of the circulation of some 750,000 diplomatic documents and military information, which embarrbaded the United States.

His sentence was commuted by Democratic President Barack Obama and was released in May 2017 after pbading seven years in prison.

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, was arrested in London on April 11 at the Embbady of Ecuador in London, where he had fled for seven years before an extradition request from the United States.


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