Chernobyl effect: the chilling circuits to know the city


Who would go on vacation to Chernobyl, one of the most radioactive and dangerous places for the health of the world?

In the days when the HBO series Chernobyl Public opinion has once again been affected by one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the planet – and it could have ended the lives of millions of people – the possibilities of making excursions and visits to the polluted areas are flourishing again.

Tanatoturismo fans – a type of experience inviting travelers to visit sites related to death and tragedy like cities at war, polluted or submerged by dictatorships and having even made an excellent documentary series on Netflix – have recently took back your eyes on this destiny.

Let's see the options of some visits:

Beginning at around $ 4,500 and lasting 11 hours, the first visit is to visit the Chernobyl exclusion zone from Kiev. The visit promises to explore the troubling places affected by the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, visit the fourth reactor and visit the ghost town of Pripyat to visit the abandoned amusement park.

It is important to note that there are a number of permits to be processed (and paid for) prior to visiting.

With intermediate options that include meals and other rides, the $ 14,300 circuit departing from Kiev also includes a two-day visit to Chernobyl and Pripyat with a one-night stay.

The description indicates that after two hours of driving in the field, you will arrive at the Dytiatky checkpoint and at the main entrance of the exclusion zone. After having followed pbadport checks and radiation protection rules, the visit will begin.


A clarification as important as the cold reigns between walks and visits: "After your first day of exploration, check in at any of the hotels in Chernobyl City, but note the curfew of 22 hours, It will be closed from this hour. "

Another special feature for brave people who are encouraged is that it is not allowed to shorts or open shoes.

More tour options, right here.


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