Chicanas and cross-criticism between Carrió and radicalism


A joke from the head of the Civic Coalition angered UCR chief Alfredo Cornejo, who in a statement reproached him for his "discursive frivolity" Source: Archivo

Verbal heels of

Elisa Carrió
never go unnoticed: they enrage the opposition and annoy the ruling party equally. The head of the

Civic Coalition
rejoices with the repercussion that his words get, but he generates annoyance among his clbadmates in Cambio. Coexistence, especially in the official bloc of deputies, is becoming more and more laborious.

Yesterday, Carrió seemed to exceed the tolerance limit of radicalism, her partner in

. The scene was held in Paraná, during an act of the annual Entre Ríos Business Council Forum. Carrió, microphone in hand, began by saying that she had no interest in the charges and that, therefore, there would be no internal coalition. "As a result, the alliance (let's change) is guaranteed, and the radicals will do what we say (the Coalition Civic and Pro), is not it, Benedetti?" The member said jokingly, staring at Radical MP Atilio Benedetti, sitting in the stalls.

There were some laughs; Strictly speaking, nobody seemed to know how to react. Carrió continued: "In the end, the radicals must recognize that they are with an ex-(party) member who manipulates them from the outside." This is the biggest punishment for the misogynists, they sent us to the conventions to serve the empanadas. from the outside, "he said. He wanted to be a joke, but the radicalism was very heavy.

"Discursive frivolity is dangerously fueling opposition," the party's president, the governor of Mendoza, said in a statement.

Alfredo Cornejo
-. Let Carrió tell us, really, how much he contributes today to Cambiemos and the policy of the government. Surely, it's less than the tips that he leaves. "

Thus, Cornejo politely returned to Carrió: last Monday, the member of the Civic Coalition had urged the middle clbad in this economic crisis not to stop paying advice or changes." Sometimes when we adjust, we stop giving advice. There are three million people living on this changa. "The opposition punished her harshly on social networks, to make matters worse, Carrió had to admit that she had left only five pesos to a waiter who had him." followed in La Plata the year

Conscious of Cornejo 's anger, Carrió sought to minimize the episode, but he did not give up the acidity: "A thousand excuses, Cornejo", he said on his Twitter account.It's an old joke that I made 20 years ago that makes people laugh, maybe you do not remember because you were in Kirchnerism. "

This ban would not go beyond the simple anecdote if this It was the rivalry that now dominates the relationship between Carrió, Cornejo and part of Radicalism, this is not the first time that the MP from Cambiemos is unleashed against

; On several occasions, he attributed his obsession to the public service. He also charged hard against

Ernesto Sanz
Cornejo's representative in the relationship with the government. The ex-senator is questioned by his proximity to the president of the Supreme Court,

Ricardo Lorenzetti
one of his declared enemies

"Carrió wants an exclusive protagonism in the relationship with Macri and the UCR makes it in shadow", is the explanation that some radicals find in front of the Carrió's attitude. It is not limited to the UCR: in Pro there is also a concern and a certain discomfort for his last behavior. Like when he threatened to break the coalition during the decriminalization session of abortion. Or when, insisting that the middle clbad should keep the changas and the tips, he is committed
the furcio to say "tips and bribes"

"In addition to having moments of great lucidity, Lilita sometimes says things that do not make sense, and that makes badly to Change and the Government, "admits a legislator Cambiemos. "The problem is that no one is encouraged because their critics are ruthless," he warns

in their environment, they admit that Carrio is facing a difficult emotional moment because of the illness that affects two beings Dear. They admit that their last statements were not very happy, but they blame the violence with which the opposition attacks them.

Yesterday, indeed, a group of leftist protesters – whom Carrió suspected of being sent by Kirchnerism – made an escrache. at the Hannah Arendt Institute

"This happens because it puts the scalpel where it hurts," they declare

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