Children of Chilean genocide call for disobedience …


"We want to not only join the claim of social justice that has brought the Chilean people to come forward with unexpected force, but also and above all question some actors whose they probably ignore the potentially important role," he said. the text.

In another passage, they also address the sons, daughters and parents of the rifleman, the gendarme, the soldier who, yesterday afternoon or today in the morning, went to strike students; the young man who had lunch with his uncle last week, shortly before the latter went to throw tear gas in the subway, inside the cars, to punish "escapes"; to the daughter of the one who returned home after unloading rubber bullets on men, women and children who shouted too loudly to demand more dignified living conditions; to the grandson of the "superior" who gave the order of attack or the official who demanded a "hard hand" to maintain public order.

The group defines the recipients of the letter as "custodians of the great silences of our history". They say that "we are here, break the atavisms and say that crimes against humanity will not have been committed on our behalf". In this sense, they invite "to place oneself also in this way which is not that of the hatred or the anger but that of the justice and the fundamental respect of the human being".

They remember that the violence of the last days "recalls the reminiscences of the bloodiest time in the history of our country"; and that the use of terms such as "curfew" and "state of emergency" only serves to revive "in our collective imagination the images of the coup d'etat and the dictatorship, with its shit of kidnappings, torture and enforced disappearances. "

Therefore, because "we know the signs and know how to recognize them", the group launches a "call to disobedience". They remind family members of those who repress today that "no one chooses the place where they must be born, but they choose the way to go," and they point out that their path is "arid, painful "and that it is" full of contradictions. "However, this way and all the rest has allowed us to" dissociate ourselves from a legacy of violence and death that we do not want to pass on to future generations. "

Finally, they say that "from brother to brother, from sister to sister, we invite you to walk the path together, in the middle of this black October".


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