Children trapped in Thailand: 3 survival tips of one of the Chilean miners rescued in 2010


  Children in the cave of Thailand

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The 12 children and their trainer of a club of Children's football went missing 9 days until they were found

The situation was extreme for the 33 Chilean minors imprisoned in 2010 at hundreds of meters of depth.

Although they were workers accustomed to descend to these depths, they knew that they were buried 750 meters from the surface after the collapse of the San Jose mine put them in a situation of despair.

That's why one of those miners saved, Luis Urzúa, says that he can not imagine how bad the case of the 12 children was and his coach found after 9 days missing in a cave in Thailand

  • Found the missing teenage football team living for 9 days in a cave in Thailand

"It's hard, the situation is very difficult" Urzúa told the BBC Mundo. And even more so if you consider that neither the teenagers nor the 25-year-old coach are accustomed to these spaces.

"Unfortunately, young people have a little less strength to support this kind of thing," says this experienced miner. 62 years old

After 9 days in Tham Luang Nang complex cave No, a large rescue operation found Monday the group of adolescents at a depth of more than 800 meters.

On Tuesday, the Thai Emergency Services released a new video showing children wrapped in blankets. In the pictures, they salute and badure that they are in good health.

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The children and coach of the Thai football team were found in a cave in which they are in security.

But floods and rock collapses in the area caused by the rains have prevented evacuation until now. And, in fact, the rescue could take weeks or even months.

After his experience, Urzúa knows very well what it is to live a similar situation. Therefore, it highlights three keys to survival in conditions where the pbadage of time reduces the health and mood of the most trained people.

1. Total Integral Attention

In 2010, the 33 miners of which Urzúa was the shift leader were trapped for 70 days due to the collapse of the San José mine.

According to his experience, he knows that having located the Thai group is just half of the mission completed

  • How can they rescue the teenagers trapped in a cave in Thailand and why the rescue could last for months

now comes the enormous task of generating the proper security conditions to bring young people abroad from abroad. enormous depth in which they are.

Something that could take weeks and even months as the authorities revealed

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Luis Urzúa was the last of the 33 miners rescued in 2010 in an operation that lasted 70 days.

Only professional divers were able to access the place where they are due to cave floods generated by the rains.

As long as it does not happen, attention to physical and emotional conditions is fundamental believes the minor Luis Urzúa

"It is very important that the logistics part of the population can help the children to stabilize accordingly, "says the miner

" The confinement is fundamental for this guy Situations Now comes the psychological, the food, all a job that maybe no one sees, but this 39 is a very important job that doctors, psychologists, people who have to support in this stuff "He adds

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The efforts of rescue can last for weeks or even months.

People deprived of food for a long time may suffer negative effects if they monitor foods that they receive later and suffer from disorders such as heart failure. They can even reach a coma, according to experts.

A group of 11 divers – between them, health specialists – was in contact with the miners and their trainer while the efforts continue to find the best way to evacuate them.

2. Maintain the mood

Children have already experienced the fear that generates the uncertainty of knowing whether or not they were found

Although this comforts them to know their families and all that who is made to get their ransom, there comes a second psychological blow that can be just as stressful: know that his departure will not be from immediately

This happened to Urzúa and his companions in 2010.

"We also had this situation, it was said that it would take four or five months (the rescue), remember. [19659053] "There too several miners fell (emotionally) because the fact that a probe arrived with us, many thought that we were already saved," says the miner

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Luis Urzúa was the l The quarterback manager of the miners trapped in 2010, in addition to being the first to communicate with the outside when they were located.

The miners were trapped 70 days after the collapse. They were linked to the outside by means of a probe opened by a space of 12 centimeters, just enough to enter the food and maintain communication.

And That's One of the Keys: to Retain Mental Strength Through Communication,

  • What Impact Does the Odyssey of Children Trapped in a Cave in Thailand Can It Have? on their physical and mental health

"It is very important that the logistic part of the population can help children to stabilize. Their youth, under extreme circumstances, leads to a psychological part, it is very important to manage it well, "says Urzúa

." Until now, the children have shown themselves in a good condition of encouragement

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The group has remained strong, but this may change over time and there is no solution to its release.

But over time, the mental state of the miners and their coach may decline.

"As long as they adapt to the environment and they do not perceive the situation as a risk that threatens their lives, adolescents will be fine," he said. declared to BBC World Sarita Robinson, of the School of Psychology at Lancaster University, England.

3. Keeping a good environment

The children were found in a cavity of the cave where they are relatively safe because they are above the water level.

The floods caused by the rains do not reach this point the space called "Pattaya Beach", named after a famous seaside resort in Thailand

Having comfortable conditions is complicated .

The place where they were has a relatively hot temperature, about 26 ° C, ] that prevented possible hyperthermia or hypothermia.

Similarly, although the water of the flood that surrounds them is not drinkable, that is what sprays the walls of the cave, which was essential to prevent its dehydration.

The minor Luis Urzúa remembers that in 2010, he and the other miners were in a similar space, but with different ground conditions: "We could hardly do anything to move around. where we were.

"Inside this, speaking, talking underground, are things that gave us directions to go about everyday doing things for ourselves," recalls the minor .

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Positive messages from families who can send will be critical for children and adults taken in the trap.

In the case of Thai children, the coach's job to prolong survival until they find them should be fundamental, said Urzúa

"I believe that the management that made the leaders who were inside, the teacher (coach) or one of the partners, were very important to support these 9, 10 days until That they find them, "says the miner.

And while rescuers can not find an emergency exit, Maintaining the space properly will be the key. And that the # Hope Never Disappears

"This is also part of the very emotional experience that we can say today: we were hoping to leave ."

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