Chile: accusation of an Argentine businessman to have tortured his workers


In the report presented Tuesday night on the TVN public channel, you can see how Argentina Hugo Larrosa, owner of a food factory in Santiago, stripped her victim – aided by other workers – and punched, kicked and lashed her with a belt, images that provoked indignation of the Chileans.

"It was so painful in the back that it was where I pee and got the badlash." I pee in pain, "said José, the worker who denounced the Argentine businessman.When he is harbaded, José laughs nervously and moans in pain at the laughter of other employees of the company who participated and recorded the events.

"The most difficult thing was that after that, I had to clean myself, take a bath, dry my eyes, turn the page and stand in front of my colleagues as if nothing had happened"added José.

To offset the constant harbadment, the Argentine businessman handed over bonuses and awards to his workers, which meant silencing the torture that would have started in 2012 and continued until the end of the year. in 2016, the date on which the employee decided to leave the company. "hell" and reported to the courts that so far, he has not yet referred to this case.

Other workers also denounced varying degrees of violence on the part of Larrosa, who threatened them with a gun and boasted of having been a member of the Argentine Federal Police.

The videos of the tortures were delivered by one of the leaders who participated in these "games" in a Chilean court before which they were denounced for the acts of violence.

"I felt like a fool not to have reported all the damage done by the people who were going there," said the executive.

After the complaint, the government filed a lawsuit against Larrosa, who would remain in Chile, but with an unknown location.


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