Chile. Argentina is accused of torture


One worker reported the abuses to which he had been subjected by his employer. He received physical and psychological punishment. "It was so painful that I pee," he said.

Chile An Argentine businessman has been accused in Chile of torturing one of his workers for punishing him for making mistakes in his work, according to the victim in a report showing rude pictures of these abuses.

In the report on the TVN public channel, we see how Argentine Hugo Larrosa, owner of a food factory in Santiago, stripped his victim – helped by other workers – and punched him , kicking and lashing. belt, in images that provoked indignation among the Chileans. "It was so painful in the back that it was there that I pee and was badped, I pee in pure pain," said Jose, the worker who denounced the pains. Argentine businessman. While being harbaded, José laughed nervously and moaned in pain at the laughter of other employees of the company who participated and recorded the events.

To integrate

To integrate

"The most difficult thing about this was that after I went to clean, bathe, wipe away my tears, turn the page and stand in front of my companions as if nothing had happened," he said. added José.

To compensate for the constant harbadment, the employer has awarded bonuses and awards to its workers, which meant silencing the tortures that would have started in 2012 and continued until 2016, when the company started. 39; employee decided to leave the company, which he described as hell "and denounced in court that until now, he has not yet referred to this case Other workers also reported varying degrees of violence from Larrosa, who threatened them with a firearm and boasted of having been a member of the federal police.


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