Chile backs Sinovac coronavirus vaccine after doubts over effectiveness


Chinese official’s statement Gao fu, one of the highest health authorities in his country, on the low rate of protection of Chinese vaccines against the coronavirus was a bucket of cold water for the Chilean government. Administration of Sebastian piñera trusted the vaccine from pharmaceutical company Sinovac to immunize its population against COVID-19.

Before the striking act of honesty by the director of the Chinese disease control agency, the Chilean Minister of Science Andrés Couve supported the Coronavac vaccination and he used data from a Brazilian study to defend his defense of the most widely applied vaccine in all of Chile.

Photograph showing President Sebastián Piñera as he received the second dose of the Sinovac vaccine. (Photo: EFE)

“With regard to the doubts that the press articles have raised about the Sinovac vaccine, we reiterate the importance of framing the discussion within the available evidence. We have scientific studies with the highest standards to assess its safety and effectivenessCouve posted on his Twitter account.

The Minister recalled that, according to recent studies in Brazil, the effectiveness of Sinovac vaccine in order to avoiding cases with symptoms was 50.7%83.7% for moderate cases and 100% for severe cases requiring hospitalization in a medical center.

A Chilean nurse inoculates a person with the Coronovac vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Sinovac. (Photo: Reuter)

Couve also referred to a scientific article that showed a adequate protection against the Manaus variant after the application of the Chinese vaccine. One report that the health official did not discuss is that of the University of Chile in which it was reported that if a single dose of Coronavac is applied, the effectiveness is 3%. This study agrees with the statements of Gao Fun.

In any case, the minister has planned that a new study on the efficacy and effectiveness of the vaccine will be published by the middle of next week, carried out by Chilean universities in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. He assured that he would be one of the first in the world to demonstrate how the Chinese vaccine works in the real population, beyond clinical trials.

“Our called is to join the vaccination campaign according to the program set up by the Ministry of Health, rigorously maintaining preventive measures to take care of everyone’s health, ”concluded Cuove’s publication, which tried to reassure citizens.

Chile has previously been immune to COVID-19 7,369,321 million people with a single dose population of 19 million (38%) and 4,662,274 with two doses (24%). The accumulated infections are 1,076,499 cases and nearly 50,000 were reported last week.

Despite the speed of the vaccination campaign, Chile crosses complicated epidemiological situation, with hospitals on the brink of collapse and a record of coronavirus infection. It is for this reason that the Government has had to impose further restrictions and restrictions. Everything seems to indicate that the discussion on the effectiveness of the Sinovac vaccine will continue in the country with the highest proportion of people vaccinated in the region.


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