Chile confirmed very bad news about coronavirus pandemic


A woman returning to Chile since United States tested positive in the Delta variant of the coronavirus, one of the most contagious in the world, in the first known case in the country, announced today the government.

“I would like to announce that we have officially confirmed the presence of a patient with Delta variant derived from United States», Declared the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, before the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies.

The woman “was immediately checked, she underwent a PCR, an antigen test, this virus was sequenced and unfortunately it was shown that she is a patient with a variant. Delta“, identified for the first time in India, he continued.

“As you know, it’s much more contagious than the variants we had so far,” he added.

Paris He said the infected person is a 43-year-old woman living in the town of Talca, 250 kilometers south of Santiago, which has been isolated by the health system.

Chile has registered its first case with the Delta variant.

At the same time as this information, the minister stressed the decision to maintain until July 14 the constitutional state of emergency in the event of disaster which has been in force since March of last year and which establishes, among several points, the border closure.

“If this new strain emerges – and I’m waiting for a result – it has more to do with closing borders. I think it will come, it’s almost impossible that it won’t come because it’s a very contagious, very potent variant, ”Paris said earlier.

Under Secretary of Public Health Paula Daza said the woman had complied with protocols required by the country’s health authority, so despite having tested negative in the first place. PCR, she entered quarantine in a transit hotel. .

While the woman was already at home, in the follow-up carried out by the Regional Health Secretariat of the Maule Region, she underwent an antigen test which turned out to be positive, for which she underwent another PCR test. and the rest of the skills, with the participation of the Institute of Public Health.

Daza claimed that the person infected with Delta variant “She is at home in good general condition, she has already received the first dose of vaccine”, she therefore believes that a certain positive effect is already emerging in the patient.


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