Chile considers drastic measure to fight coronavirus


The government of Chile announced today that it is evaluating the possibility of including a third dose against coronavirus strengthen the immunity of the population, because despite more than 11.6 million vaccinated with at least one dose, the high number of daily and hospitalized cases continues.

Public Health Under Secretary Paula Daza told Radio Universo that the ministry (Minsal) is monitoring and assessing the possibility of needing a third dose. “

The official revealed that to determine if a third dose will be needed in people already vaccinated, laboratories are monitoring this and the government is “awaiting results from the Catholic University”.

Regarding this research work, Alexis Kalergis, the doctor who directs this study at the Catholic University, told the newspaper El Mercurio that the first results will be presented in July and that they will then see “the need to place a third dose, who probably be.

Chile To date, there are 11,624,347 people vaccinated against the coronavirus, with at least one dose, a figure more than significant for a country of just over 19 million inhabitants.

Despite his good campaign of vaccination, which started en masse last February, is seeing an increase in daily cases and deaths, and keeping the entire national hospital system under pressure, with Santiago, the capital, as the main focus of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours, Chile reported 6,770 new cases and 119 deaths, bringing the total number of coronavirus patients to 1,505,001 and deaths to 31,259 since the pandemic began in March last year.

According to the most recent report of the Ministry of Health, published on its website, there are 3,286 patients admitted to intensive care units across the country, 2,833 of whom are on ventilator support.

Additionally, the report pointed out that there is now 96% bed occupancy across the country.

Chile is the sixth country in Latin America with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus, according to data from the World Health Organization.


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