Chile: demands for reform of carabinieri increase after death of juggler at the hands of security forces


A new audiovisual disc has been released during the court hearing that gathers the evidence to condemn the prison against the policeman who killed the young juggler Francisco Martínez.

The death of a young juggler in Chile last week at the hands of the Carabineros once again put the police questioned at the center of the controversy.

While the judicial future of the police officer responsible for the shootings is being discussed in court, Various political representatives once again urged state powers to discuss urgent reform of the Chilean military police.

On this Monday, for the first time President Sebastián Piñera referred to fact and mourned the death of Francisco Martínez. However supported the Carabineros. “I would like to express my support and my support for the Chilean police, which is a fundamental institution and constitutes the first line of defense of public order,” he said.

The death of the juggler at the hands of the forces catalyzed a series of protests that turned violent and affected municipal buildings in the same commune of Panguipulli, where the event took place. Also recorded mobilizations in different regions of the country. The political world, for its part, especially the opposition, has turned to to demand that the government put the greatest urgency to the project which is in Congress and propose an in-depth reform to the carabineers.

The document, whose discussion is paralyzed, seeks to address the history of irregularities detected in the establishment. Among them, a millionaire embezzlement and the questioning of police action at the time of the social crisis which was overflowing with violent protests since October 2019.

Congressman Carmen Hertz, of the Communist Party (PC) declared through its Twitter account: “The crime of the young street artist in Panguipulli, perpetrated by the Carabineros of Chile shows the danger to which the citizens are exposed. They are unleashed and go unpunished for their atrocities “.

Another who raised his voice was the former presidential candidate and independent senator, Alejandro Guillier: “A corrupt police and a delegitimized government that does not want to intervene are harming us as a country”, Express.

At the organizational level, the Socialist Party (PS) announced that police reform was urgent and necessary. “The PS strongly condemns the crime of Francisco Martínez in Panguipulli and insists on an in-depth restructuring of the Carabineros ”.

In contrast, UDI bench chief Juan Antonio Coloma insisted that “if a policeman is attacked with a machete, he cannot be considered guilty,” he said.

After the arson that a crowd provoked the municipal facilities of Panguipulli, the mayor of the municipality, Rodrigo Valdivia stressed that the riflemen were responsible. “Both the fires that occurred in Panguipulli and the death of Francisco, may he rest in peace, absolute responsibility rests with the Carabineros”, warned local authorities.

The executive director of the Americas division of Human Rights Watch, José Miguel Vivanco, said a reform of the Chilean police was necessary. “The police cannot kill a person because they resist an identity check,” he said. “Chile must urgently move forward with a serious and rigorous reform of the riflemen ”, added.

The official presidential candidate, member of the National Renovation (RN) who is also a former Carabineros civil servant and former Minister of Defense, Mario overflows, gave his support to the police institution by stressing that “in Germany or Chile, the police use their weapons”, coinciding with the thesis of “legitimate defense” raised by the officers of the Carabineros.

In this context, Chilean opposition parliamentarians They called a special session for this Monday in the middle of the legislative break with the aim of discussing two aspects: the migration crisis in the northern area and the events in Panguipulli. However, two parliamentary member committees did not support the initiative and it was unsuccessful.

From the opposition, they called on the ruling party to allow debate: “I think it’s necessary, we have to give our opinion. It is impossible for the House to be in an inexplicable inaction. We regret that today National Renovation and Evópoli win our unanimity on this important issue for the country “, wrote on Twitter the deputy of the Green Regionalist Socialist Federation, Alejandra Sepúlveda.

Carabineros de Chile are the military police who bring with them a story of scandals that have called into question their actions, which put on the agenda the discussion of a deep reform.
Carabineros de Chile are the military police who bring with them a story of scandals that have called their actions into question, which have put the discussion of deep reform on the agenda

From the ruling party, the deputy Sebastián Torrealba of the RN, defined the reunion attempt as a political advantage. “A special session will only be scheduled for speeches loaded with political content without presenting solutions. Legislative work must take these issues seriously and responsibly, and not statements for the podium, ”said the parliamentarian.

At the same time, the legal hearing taking place in the Panguipulli court gave details of the actions of the police during the event. For the moment, among the transcended, stands out the impossibility of justifying the realization of a sixth move that, in the opinion of the prosecution, “It was unnecessary.” It was precisely this that ended the life of Francisco Martínez.


Chilean government announced reform of carabinieri after questions from human rights defenders

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