“Chile does not exist”: the crazy theory of the flat earth which has gone viral on the networks


A recent post that began to circulate on the social network Facebook questioned the existence of Chile, insisting that “it is not a real country”. Under the slogan “Chile does not exist”, the spanish group Flat earth he circulated the savage theory.

Although the post was made on August 9, 2020 in a group of flat earthlings, It didn’t have much of an impact until Wednesday July 18 of this year. In it, an internet user from the group said that the country bordering Argentina does not exist except on the maps.

“I watched a documentary on Chile and it becomes more and more clear to me that the country does not exist. If you look closely the houses look like cardboard and people can be seen as actors because sometimes they are even looking at the camera“, He began to explain.

Chile does not exist
The publication produced by a member of the Tierra Plana group – Spain, on Chile.

He then added: “Do you think Chile is a real country? I have never been to Chile and I don’t know anyone who has been to Chile. I saw a few photos, but they are probably CGI or computer generated images“.

Finally, he concluded: “All my life I have been taught maps of Chile, explaining that it was a country of South America, but in my research I have discovered that all those who say they have been in Chile cannot prove it, what do you think? “.

As a result of the rapid viralization of flat land signage, andThe hashtag #ChileNoExiste has become a trend within the social network Twitter and hundreds of puzzled users have started sharing all kinds of memes about it..

Chile does not exist
Memes shared by Internet users on social networks about the non-existence of Chile.

Terraplanists: who are the defenders of the theory that the Earth is flat

Most of them, starting from the idea that they live in a simulation with “cardboard houses” and “actors”, they insisted that they had not yet received their “acting salary”. “They owe me 27 years of salary as an actor,” commented one netizen mocking the unusual theory and those who believe the Earth is flat.

On a related note, another jokingly pointed out: “Another week begins and it’s time to record, we have to endure the lie #ChileNoExiste”. Along with that, he attached an overall image of cameras with a green chroma background, to make CGI.

A comparison you should not miss is what happens both in real life and in the famous American series The Simpsons. “The Simpsons Did It Again”, wrote a third user of a globe in which Chile is not.

Finally a last internet user shared a photo of chili peppers of all colors and types, making a pun on the South American country. He graced the post by commenting: “So … Chile doesn’t exist, eh …”.


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