Chile has achieved its first goal: it has already vaccinated 80% of its population over 18 with two doses


Vaccination card issued by health centers in Chile
Vaccination card issued by health centers in Chile

President Sebastián Piñera announced this Thursday evening that 80% of the population over 18 has completed their COVID-19 vaccination process, achieve the objective that the government set itself at the beginning of the year.

According to data provided by the Department of Statistics and Health Information DEIS, 24,750,738 doses of vaccine were administered against the coronavirus. Of these, 13,131,256 are people who have received a single and first dose, and 12,125,426 are people who have completed their vaccination.

The president celebrated the milestone, warning that the self-imposed goal has been met since the arrival of the first vaccine delivery in February this year. “Today, July 29, we achieve that 80% of people 18 years of age and over are protected with their full vaccination. It is now necessary to complete the vaccination of the under-18s and those who are late. “Very few countries have succeeded. Well done for the Chileans, ”he added.

In order for a person to complete their immunization schedule, they must have reached 14 days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer, Sinovac or AstraZeneca, or the same time after the single dose of CanSino.

From the Ministry of Health of Chile MINSAL, in its last report this Thursday, it was reported that 13,127,634 people were vaccinated with the first dose against covid-19, which represents 86.36% of the population over 18 years old, while 12,091,226 have completed their vaccination schedule, a figure that represents 79.54% of the so-called target population. The Minister of Health Enrique Paris underlined that “the target population is 15,200,840 people, where 86% of the population has been vaccinated with a single and first dose and 80% of the population has been vaccinated with a single and one second dose, ”he said. declared.

In addition, the Minister announced the new schedule for mass vaccination against covid-19. Thus, on Monday August 2 and Tuesday August 3, latecomers over 18 years of age can be vaccinated with the first dose of Sinovac and with the second dose of Sinovac, people who receive their first dose, during these two days the first. the doses will not be applied to minors under the age of 18; Between Wednesday August 4 and Friday August 6, however, the population that was inoculated with this formula until June 27 and those under 45 years of age who received the AstraZeneca vaccine in the first dose until June 27, may be vaccinated with a second dose of Pfizer. June 27.

Chilean President at one of the ceremonies for receiving COVID-19 vaccine shipment to Chile
Chilean President at one of the ceremonies for receiving COVID-19 vaccine shipment to Chile

During this same week, pregnant women from 16 weeks gestational age can be vaccinated, who must present the FCVE Pregnancy Vaccination Advice Form.

Low numbers keep optimism

This Friday morning, MINSAL announced that 1,452 patients with covid-19 are hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU).

With the above, this is the first time that this indicator has gone below the 1,500 mark since February 5, when we were talking about 1,487 infected internees. At the same time, 1,163 people are connected to mechanical ventilation, or 80.10% of the total. Currently, Chile has 3,715 activated critical beds, of which 528 are available. This gives an intensive care occupancy rate of 85.78%.

Regarding new cases, MINSAL announced the detection of 1,355 new infections over the past 24 hours. 882 patients were classified as symptomatic, 399 asymptomatic and 74 positive were not reported.

The new doses and the 30 million vaccines received are already close to

In the last few hours, moreover, the government received a shipment of one million doses of Sinovac at the Santiago airport. As detailed in the arrival instance, Minister Jaime Bellolio’s spokesperson, “With this, our country has exceeded the 28.5 million vaccines received. Something very important and powerful, ”said the spokesperson for La Moneda.

The team of the Ministry of Health of Chile receives vaccines at the facilities of the international airport of Santiago de Chile
The team of the Ministry of Health of Chile receiving vaccines at the facilities of the international airport of Santiago de Chile

For her part, the Under-Secretary for Health, Paula Daza, recalled that a shipment will arrive next Saturday with 400,000 vaccines from AstraZeneca and Monday more than 200,000 from Pfizer-BioNTech. Added to this, he recalled that Chile carried out on Thursday the complete vaccination of 80% of the population over the age of 18. Meanwhile, in the 15 to 17 age group, the progression reaches 72% with the first dose.

Forget about out of stock

In the previous days, various municipalities in the RM metropolitan area reported a reduction in deliveries of coronavirus vaccines, which is why they were forced to totally or partially suspend the vaccination process on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 July. .

The stock-out mainly affected Pfizer / BionTECH vaccines, the only ones authorized for the vaccination of minors in our country. A situation that the authorities warn as normalized with the arrival of new doses in the country.

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Chile to relax COVID-19 border restrictions for vaccinated foreign nationals and residents

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