Chile has preventively suspended the application of the AstraZeneca vaccine to children under 45 due to a case of thrombosis


The Chilean Ministry of Health has decided to temporarily suspend the application of the laboratory’s coronavirus vaccine AstraZeneca-Oxford University under 45, then notify a case of thrombosis in a vaccinated person.

The health portfolio said in a statement that on June 1, they were made aware of an ESAVI (events allegedly attributable to vaccination and vaccination), which resulted in a 31 year old man who “presented a picture of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, very low frequency event described in international literature ”.

Therefore, the Chilean Ministry of Health has decided to change the age of administration of this vaccine and it will only be for those over 45.

The authorities have specified that the measure will be preventive and proactive and it will be extended while the vaccine pharmacovigilance sub-department of the Institute of Public Health (ISP) conducts a causal analysis investigation.

At the end of April, a shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in Chile via the Covax mechanism.  Photo: AFP

At the end of April, a shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines arrived in Chile via the Covax mechanism. Photo: AFP

“We are awaiting the result of an investigation. Tomorrow (this Friday) the ISP will give the result of whether or not there was an adverse reaction in a 31-year-old patient, ”explained Minister of Health Enrique Paris.

The press release also states that the second doses will be suspended for those who have already received the first. All of these resolutions were taken pending official declaration.

The FAI authorized on January 27 the emergency use of this injection, called AZD1222, after being approved by the committee of experts of the entity.

Meanwhile, on April 19, the same agency notified that, as a precautionary measure, the AstraZeneca-University of Oxford vaccine will be administered in women over 55 and in men aged 18 and over.

To date, Chile has 10,928,6685 people vaccinated against COVID-19. Of these, 8,180,288 completed their treatment with both doses.

The announcement is also made in connection with the arrival of 457,470 doses of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine to the Trans-Andean country, being the largest shipment of this pharmaceutical product received there. With this shipment, the 22,300,000 vaccines against Covid-19 that entered Chile were exceeded.

“We want to end the initial schedule, which consists of completing the vaccination of 18-year-olds on June 31. I think we will get there, so we will study to be able to vaccinate adolescents between 12 and 17 years old, ”said Paris.

According to the latest official report, Chile adds 1,403,101 cases of COVID-19 and 29,598 deaths.

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