Chile in place 92 out of 200 countries


An annual Cableocity broadband ranking puts Chile in the "half of the table", led by Singapore

Broadband in the world is still in the pipeline. adoption in many countries. locations. The average speeds if we take a ranking prepared by is about 5Mbps.

In the updated study, more than 160 million broadband speed tests carried out in 200 It was revealed that Singapore was again the fastest country in the world, followed by Sweden, Denmark and Norway, while Yemen was the last.

Chile and the rest of the countries of Latin America

Chile climbed 36 places in this ranking of 200 countries and was ranked 92nd on the list. Its downstream broadband speed is 4.74 Mbps.

But the ranking also conveniently shows how long these countries take to download a movie in HD quality of about 5 GB.

In the case of Chile is delayed: 2 hours, 24 minutes and 7 seconds

Mexico while he dropped 29 places in the standings, with a speed of 5.69 Mbps and a delay of 1 hour, 59 minutes and 58 seconds

Colombia while it is in place 114, with a speed of 3.25 Mbps and a descent delay of 3 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds.


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