Chile interested in gas from the Austral basin for the Magallanes region


At a bilateral meeting, the energy ministers of both countries, Susana Jiménez and Javier Iguacel, pledged to prioritize energy integration between the two countries.

Among the integration agreements, the start of imports of gas of Argentine origin in October, and the progress of the study that will identify future lines of business. electrical interconnection between the two countries.

The agreement establishes that energy operations between the two countries may be carried out so long as they do not compromise domestic supply, affect the safety of the operation, or the quality and reliability of the energy supply. the reliability of natural gas transmission and distribution and electricity services in each country.

The first of this protocol is to allow international operations of electric power and natural gas without the need to compensate or restore the energy resource.

Gas Importation – As we know, this agreement is already seeing its first results. After the meeting of the two authorities, it was possible to confirm the import of unconventional natural gas from Argentina in October this year, especially from Neuquén through the Vaca Muerta field until 39. at Biobio

. the state of unconventional gas production in the southern basin and potential natural gas exports to the Magallanes region, reaffirming Chile's interest in the natural gas supply of 39; Argentina for the south and south zone. "

" Greater integration in the gas exchange can also be a good solution to solve problems such as pollution in the south-central cities of the country, giving more options for the energy matrix to heat in this area where the wood is wet ", explains the Chilean minister

" Vaca Muerta will give us gas in abundance so that the inhabitants of Argentina and Chile can enjoy a It's much cheaper, to achieve a much cleaner and greener economy, with less pollution, "said Minister Iguacel.

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