Chile leads the ranking of countries in America with a full vaccination and Venezuela is last: what place does Argentina occupy?


In the midst of the second wave of Covid-19 which hit the region hard with an escalation of cases in all countries, breaking records of infections and deaths, began with massive vaccination campaigns to end once and for all the pandemic that has haunted the region for more than a year. Yes indeed, the national governments of each country adopted different strategies to obtain the long-awaited antidote from vaccines and then defined their plan for mass immunization.

The success of every tactic translates into numbers: Chile, the United States and Uruguay lead the ranking of countries with the highest percentage of people vaccinated with two doses: They are above 40% of its population vaccinated. Instead, the Argentina is among those in the middle towards the bottom of the table, along with Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia and Venezuela. Countries that do not exceed 10% of their citizens with both vaccinations applied.

A few weeks ago, authorities in countries in the region began to focus on the need for populations to complete the two-dose vaccination plan, for fear of the arrival of the new strain called Delta. In order for this new variant of COVID-19 not to spread, different studies have shown that it is necessary to complete the cycle of inoculation. That’s why now the important thing turned out to be to speed up the process of vaccinating people who today only have one dose and are patients at risk. In this race, Argentina is still far from the so-called “collective immunization”.

With a plentiful supply of doses of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca (although not licensed for internal use), the United States leads by far the overall vaccine population, with over 45%. But, nevertheless, it is not the most vaccinated country, since Chile and Uruguay – countries with fewer inhabitants – exceed 50%.

At the other extreme, however, there is Venezuela, which has not even reached 1% of its population to be vaccinated. Nicolás Maduro’s regime has failed to come to an agreement with China or Russia – its only major allies in the international context – not to receive Sputnik V, Sinopharm or Sinovac. Further, but also with a “bad mark”, are Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, which reach respectively only 3.37%, 5.02% and 7.06%.


The country ruled by Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner has already vaccinated 18,921,680 people. Of this total, 15,128,961 were the first doses and only completed vaccination: 3,792,719 . During this time, when the number of vaccinated with at least one dose is measured, the result climbs to 33.47%. A high percentage in the region. On the other hand, when we observe the number of vaccinated at two doses, the result is another: 8.32%. This number positions Argentina for below Chile and Uruguay which countries in the region have applied the most vaccines. And it groups it together with the countries least well placed in relation to the complete vaccination cycle, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Paraguay and Peru. Today Argentina has surpassed the91,979 deaths since the entry of Covid-19 into the country.


The Andean country vaccinated 2,231,841 inhabitants. Of these, 1,645,289 were first doses and only 586,552 were second applications. Therefore, considering the number of people inoculated with at least one dose, the percentage is 14.09. But when you look at the number of inhabitants with the two vaccines, the number is among the lowest in the region: 5.02%. For its part, the country has obtained vaccines from various laboratories: Pfizer, AstraZenca, Sinopharm and Sputnik V.


The largest country in Latin America has already vaccinated 92,917,274 people. Of this total, 68,185,022 were inoculated with a single dose and 24,732,252 people with both doses. This translates to 11.57% of the total vaccinated population. Figure which leaves it below the table, but above Argentina. Brazil for its part this Saturday exceeded 500,000 deaths from COVID-19 and a new strain was even discovered in the city of Rio de Janeiro due to the lack of preventive measures against the virus. The country uses vaccines AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Sinovac.


As well as being the country in the region with the highest percentage of the population vaccinated with both doses, Chile is facing the biggest escalation of cases I have had since the start of the pandemic. The country is under strict quarantine. Situation that attracts attention, since there is a total of 50.99% of the population with the complete inoculation cycle. Number that exceeds the percentage, for example, of United States. In addition, the percentage of Chilean citizens with a single dose exceeds 60%. However, the virus seems to show that this is not enough yet. The country uses CanSino, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sinovac vaccines.


With the two doses, the country has 10.2% of the vaccinated population. On the other hand, with a single inoculation injected at 20.95%. This translates to a total of 10,657,628 people with at least one dose in place. Colombia reported a new record of infections on Thursday: 32,997 new cases of covid-19. It’s about trying to vaccinate as many people as possible. The country uses vaccines AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sinovac.


As progress is made in the mass vaccination plan, the Paraguayan Ministry of Health will lower the vaccination age to 50 years for vaccination against covid-19, which has reached 645,111 people who have received at least one dose since February, while the country exceeds 12,000 dead. Paraguay, for its part, is among the worst positions in terms of the ranking of countries which have applied second doses to their populations. Out of the total number of vaccinated, only 240,330 received the full cycle, which translates to 3.37% of the Paraguayan population vaccinated with both doses. The country has vaccines Covaxin, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sinovac and Sputnik V.


The country vaccinated a total of 3,989,978 people. However, only 8.1% of this total received both doses of the vaccine. Instead, a single vaccine was administered at 12.1%. Thus, Peru has the highest death rate, with 580 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.


Coronavirus in Argentina: confirmed 542 deaths and 24,023 infections in the last 24 hours

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