Chile on red alert: there are 40 active light bulbs


A total of 40 forest fires remained active in various parts of central and southern Chile, while another 48 were under control and 27 were declared extinct, the National Emergency Office reported.

Onemi director Ricardo Toro said that following these disasters, which killed 115 people, three people died, 74 victims and 42 houses destroyed.

"For the fight against these fires, all the air badets, the Conaf forest brigades, have been deployed, reinforced by forest companies, armed forces, carabinieri and an investigative police (PDI)". detailed Toro, informed the agency EFE.

In addition, he baderted that the "most important" fires affected the regions of Maule, Ñuble, Biobío, Los Ríos and Aysén, all located in southern Chile.

With regard to the region of La Araucanía, located about 670 kilometers south of Santiago, he indicated that "several outbreaks of extreme behavior had been activated", before which they carried out the evacuation of the inhabitants of the sectors. affected.

In the region of Aysén, 2,000 kilometers south of the capital, one of the largest fires that affected the country of South America was recorded, with 11,151 hectares affected up to Now mainly in Cochrane.



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